The Hustleman Chronicles

Hustling in the concrete jungle of Atlanta, Georgia USA isn't easy. My goal? Simple... to go from net worth zero to the making of my first million. Will I flop, or rise to the top? Truth be told, failure is NOT an option. E-Mail your Hustleman at : for some personal dialogue, comments or questions.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Hustler's Perspective: The Proper Focus Theory

Greetings Family! Once again it's your Hustleman Shai (pronounced Shy) broadcasting to you from the streets of Hotlanta Georgia. Hope all is well with you. It was a hot day today but mainly because it rained in the afternoon, and anyone who lives in the southeren region can vouch, when that happens, the humidity makes you feel like you're trapped in a sauna.

Last post I started a series of upcoming entries called 'Tales From the Block'. In this post I'd like to start another one. This series will be called, 'A Hustler's Perspective'. I made this so that maybe you can see where a dude like me is coming from as far as business practices and basically how I do what I do. My principles, rules, thought process and so forth.

I was at my spot today with my man New York. It was a slow day but none the less I made quota. We chopped it up about life history while we observed the strange influx of beautiful women that graced our surroundings. New York pulled some phone numbers, I remained focused on making paper.

Often times I'm asked, "Is this really what you do for a living?". I smirk and respond positively. Some people even go on to say, "I just don't know how you do it." I respond, "It's just me. I can't answer to anyone else." This brings me to a point I'd like to make, and also reflects the topic of this post. When one is an entreprenuer, one cannot completely focus on making money. Ahh, I hear you thinking loud, like what the hell! Just wait a second, have some faith in your Hustleman. Yes and true, we set up business to make money, but you can't just focus on money because you'll go broke chasing dollars. Sounds silly doesn't it? It's paradoxical. I learned this the hard way, when you are desperate for money and you really need it, say because you don't have rent or mortgage money, you're more likely to stress yourself and come short of your goal. What you focus on expands, real shit right there. With that in mind, if you're focused on not being able to pay your bills, you're hustling out of desperation, and chances are you'll fail.

When I started I made the stupid mistake of going all out with the last of what I had. I couldn't help it, I hated working a 9 to 5 with a passion. I figured it's now or never! So you me, I jumped both feet in. This thinking put me in a squeeze though. I had to work harder and the harder, and the more I worked the less money I made and the more frustrated I'd be when I got home, you feel me? I can't even speak on what this feels like inside. You feel like a failure. And guess what? You have to stuff those emotions inside of you and head out the next day to do it all over again. You're hustling out of fear. The fear of losing what you have.

When you start your enterprise, always start with something in reserve for yourself. A cushion so to speak. Common sense you say? No, not really. Common sense isn't always a common thing. The point I'm making here is when you go to make your money, have a goal in mind, then just concentrate on doing the work for the works sake. That's some real ancient Egyptian, Zen shit right there. And it's a fact. When you're focused and relaxed your energy flows and you will always end up in the right spot at the right time. It's like magic. But when you're energy is low and you are desperate, well... let's just say you'll recieve the results of that thinking. It's called "broke hustling". You're already broke, and you're trying to make money to keep yourself from going broker. It's a lose, lose situation. What it should be is you have money, your needs are taken care of, and you hustle to improve your situation further. Let that sink in for a second. Focus on doing the work, not on the money. If you do the work properly, the money will come. It's like fishing. You go at the right time, to the right area with the right bait, you're bound to come up with something. Feel me on that.

Shots go out to bleugod and the goddess, the A-god, Brown Sugar, Moose, New York, big Keith and Thee One and Only. Take care of little Kayla ya heard! Stay up Fam. And until next time, keep it moving.


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