Sunday Reflection: The Living Dead
I as check through business opportunities and make connections I sometimes think and wonder about those that came before me and how they came up from nothing. That takes a seriously strong mind. I have to further discipline myself, I see it coming already. I'm up to the challenge though. But anyway back on point...
I'm going to switch gears for you all today because I'm in an introspective mood. Since I've been hustling I've noticed something. Since Georgia in itself is sort of like a black mecca, I meet people from all over the United States. What's shocking is that only about 35 percent of the people I meet are actually from here LOL. When I hug the block I just people watch sometimes. Fam, have you ever done that? I mean damn! Some people walk around looking like a picture of complete depression. They go about their daily rountines with no joy, no appreciation, and no life in them. I deal with these kind of people daily, the hood is full of depressed people. Everyone seems to be looking for something, but no one's looking in the right place. And that place is inside of themselves.
A question was put to me once, they asked am I only about making money. I replied hell no, theres more to life most definently, but money lubricates so you can slide through a little easier. What alot of people lack in life is simply passion. Where's their passion? Without passion you're just on auto-pilot, doing what you do on a daily and seeing no joy in it. What the fuck is that? That's not living. That's survival. Quick clarification... I hate using the word passion because most people match the word with sex but stay with me here. When we pass away from this rock, that's it, our chapter is done. The sad truth is that alot of us are walking around dead already. No passion in life, little joy if any, and we never take a chance on things that may be good for us. Most of us are stressed everyday, life moves fast and it seems like you have to play catch up constantly.
A good hustler does all things with a passion (especially make money). It's one of the missing ingredients to getting more fulfillment out of life. Do everything with passion - Talk, walk, work, write, make music, eat, sleep, make love, teach your children, blah, blah, blah. You get my point.
Before I stated hustling I was the picture of depression. I was one of the living dead. I felt life owed my something and therefore I was joyless. It was around this time I had a job at the airport here in the ATL and there was this hustler who used to come through there every night. He would walk from concourse to concourse with bags on each shoulder selling product to the employees of all the newstands and various shops. I used to watch this dude with fascination. I never, not once, ever saw him in a bad mood. He was always full energy, friendly, and funny as hell. People loved this dude. They just loved being around him. He wasn't a soft happy-go-lucky sucka either, let me make that clear. But you could just feel his demeanor rub off on you if you were around him. I had the opportunity to speak with this brother on several occasions. I just had to ask him this question, it was killing me inside. I asked him basically, why the hell is he always in a good mood and how does he do what he does? His reply was basically what I'm relaying for you here. He put passion in everything he did. Simple.
What he said completely missed me until I began hustling. And over the years I made it a point to put passion in my actions, thoughts and words. Yes I fall off from time to time, I'm not always in a good mood, that's just not human to have no emotion. But before I spiral down into feeling down and out, I check myself and get back into life with even more passion and work shit out. It's amazing the results you get out of life when you put more into it like this. As the saying goes, "What goes around comes around." More passion in, more rewards out. Simple. The word for today is 'Passion' Fam. Add some in your life today, I'm so serious.
As always, thanks for coming by and checking out your Hustleman. It's all love. Until next time Fam... keep it moving.
At 11:03 PM, Anonymous said…
You was born to write.
I know that passion is a muthafucka. I at times forget this jewel.
It is very important to success.
Peace God!!!
At 5:16 AM, The_Hustleman AKA James W. Dennis said…
Peace God!
I forget this jewel at times myself. But I get reminded of it often when I see my people looking down and out on these streets. It's kind of frustrating to communicate this to those people. They always take it as criticism and never as someone trying to assist them. Ah well, maybe they'll get it later on like I finally did.
At 10:59 PM, Anonymous said…
MAN, you are speaking the truth for real! Without passion for what you do, life feels as if it has no purpose. I know I don't want to be on my death feeling my life wasn't as fulfilling as it could have been.
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