A Hustler's Perspective: The Almighty Dollar

I was supposed to go out of town for Labor Day but that fell through. I was disappointed but hey, shit happens no doubt. I figured today to be a slow day but it actually turned out damn good. Big Boy was at the spot and New York came through later in the evening. Things ran smoothly. Mike has since returned to the spot. I didn't see him today but I guess I missed him yesterday. Like I said, Hustler's are hard-headed. Anyway... back on point.
Hustler's are focused on making money period point blank. That's first priority. Big surprise here I know. But let me further clarify about the 3 different kinds of Hustler's. This is free game here so listen up. The first type is the lazy or part-timey Huslter. They make just enough money to get by. They are usually broke and stay broke. They should really have a gig (job) but they're too lazy to keep one. Those part-timey Hustler's that do keep a job and Hustle on the side are not Hustler's. To really be a Hustler you have to experience the game with no security. That means you get no paycheck. You only make money off of the work you put into the game. If you don't work hard and grind, you don't make money and you don't eat. Simple. Don't misread me, if you have a job and use that money to get your Hustle up and running that's well and good. But if you can't let that false sense of security go, you probably never will.
The second type of Hustler is the backwards Hustler. He or she is similar to the lazy Hustler but the difference is they actually make money. They are just foolish with it and end up spending it all. We call them backwards because instead of keeping money and growing... they spend it and stay in the same place in their financial life, or go backwards into a worse situation. Easy come, easy go I guess.
The last is the True. A real Hustler. They have made a mental transition when it comes to money. They know the hidden value of it. I have been all 3 types so trust me when I say I'm qualified to speak on this subject.
A True looks at money differently then the average person. Take a dollar bill out and look at it. What does that represent you? Buying power? Gas money? Bill money? Well you know what a True sees when he or she looks at that dollar? They see not one dollar, but a hand full of dollars. Let my break this down for you.
The hidden power behind the dollar is this. A dollar, properly used, can bring in friends. That is, more dollars. A True saves, plans and invests their money instead of carelessly spending it on bullshit. Saving money does not make you wealthy. Investing does. Now some of my more educated business readers already now this, but this is not common knowledge on the streets for sure. I once read a book (yes I do read) called 'Multiple Streams of Income' by Robert G. Allen. On a side note this is a pretty damn good book. The author used an example of a dollar as a seed. When you invest this dollar you plant it in the ground so to speak and let it grow into a tree that produces more of itself. Same concept I was taught on the streets. I was just slow to really understand it.
Here's what a True does with their money. I'm no financial planner but the shit works, bottom line. Let's say you have a gig and bring in a stack (one thousand dollars) a week. Before you do anything else with that money you put up 10 to 20 percent of it, that you don't touch, and then learn to live off the rest. Ever wonder why some Hustler's look broke? Well if they are truly not a broke or backward Hustler, they are living off less money then they make on purpose. They give themselves no choice. The Game is too be taken to the next level, not to stay stagnant. What do they do with that 10 to 20 percent? They keep growing it until they can make an investment into something else. When that new venture grows they begin to take out 10 to 20 percent of the profits of that. Now they have money from 2 sources being saved. Then they take all that money and invest in something else. And so on and so on.
The key is, make one dollar into 3. Save one dollar, re-invest the second dollar back into your business, and use the last dollar to live off of. This is very genral, but I hope it makes the idea crystal for you.
So do your Hustleman a favor. Next time you take a dollar out of your pocket (or your atm card). Think of the power of that dollar before you spend it. Later Fam, I'll be back at you soon. Until then... keep it moving.
At 7:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
From one hustler to another, that was an appropo piece. I started hustling when I was 18 for 5 years (fashion shows, dances, music concerts). Went to college, graduated, became a solid salesman in chemicals for 15 years.
But the last 16 years I've been totally out on my own selling music programs to restaurants, clubs and gyms. Now I've put enough together to have my own music label.
You're right. Making it without a safety net isn't something most people have the `cajones' for. Btw, thanks for your comments. I shall return. The Capt.
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think that this all sounds good on paper. I like the way you make it all seem so easy, but is it really? How do you get to a point where you decide that you no longer want the security of a regular pay check and move to this level?
I think that the "hustle" is the same as having a regular job, let me explain. If I don't go to work, I don't get paid. That's the same for you, right? I think your position is actually harder because I get paid no matter how much money customers spend. As long as I spend x amount of hours on this job, then I get x amount of dollars. You on the other hand can spend x amount of hours at the spot and not get paid a penny. That's a whole day gone to nothing.
I think your income is based on the customers. If they don't want to spend, then you get nothnig! If you make nothing, then that was the same as me taking a week off with no pay. I just don't see the security that you seem to get out of hustlin. I think you're just like the boss of a small company that consist of you only. You come and go as you please, make your own hours and put as much into this business as you want out of it, but at the end of the day, if no customers want what you have in store, your just assed out and you business fails.
So how do I get myself to this point of throwing my cares to the wind, and playing this game called hustlin? How do I get to a point where the hustle is no longer the hustle, but my life?
I mean no disrespect, I just want to know how to get to this point. I want to challenge you and the life of a hustler verses mine. A regular working woman with a "false sinse of security".
At 11:32 PM,
The_Hustleman AKA James W. Dennis said…
To The Capt - Thanks for stopping by and I see you're in the music game. Keep grinding and if you have a way where I can get your music let me know. To Mental - Man, we always go back and forth on this don't we? LOL... The reason I say having a gig is a false sense of security is for the same reason you just pointed out. If the job you work at stops getting customers then guess what? You're fired because they cannot afford to keep you. If I, as a hustler, don't get customers then I can just work and find a place where cutomers are. On top of all of that I have the benefit of controlling my schedule and my time. I answer to no one but my customers. And by the way, you're boss is a hustler! He sees his money long before you see yours, accept that as fact. He gets a lot, you get a little. I'm a Hustler, I get a lot! I know how to make money for myself. How is that NOT security. You make money for someone else who has the power to cut your money off at any time. That's more control then I can ever give another person. And to answer your last point, hustling is not a job. It is a lifestyle. Hustling is my life, the game doesn't stop and neither do I. Good questions though.
At 7:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
You're right! There is no security at any of those jobs, but people think that the job is more secure because they are not part of the money making part of the company.
Sales is as raw as you can get, no matter the level; like being a hunter - you study their habits and set your traps according to the footprint of those habits.
Sales is the closest one can get into being in control of one's life. Freedom is as important to the hustler as money. But your cut is so much bigger when you're calling the shots versus working for a company if you know your market.
I'd like to contact you privately about the music, Hustleman.
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