The Hustleman Chronicles

Hustling in the concrete jungle of Atlanta, Georgia USA isn't easy. My goal? Simple... to go from net worth zero to the making of my first million. Will I flop, or rise to the top? Truth be told, failure is NOT an option. E-Mail your Hustleman at : for some personal dialogue, comments or questions.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

An Insight Into Introspection

Peace Fam! Things are finally settling down for me (for the most part) and just coming off the holiday all I can say it was a good one. The 25th just happens to be Mz Angel B’s birthday. She’s a homegirl of both Mz Mental and I. That pic above was my company for the evening as we did a little last minute celebration. From Left to Right: Juicy, Mz Angel B., and of course Mz Mental. We headed out to catch the Dreamgirls flick which was both good and bad. This movie really showcased the vocal talents of Jennifer Hudson (even more than Beyonce); and Eddie Murphy and Jamie Foxx did their thing. The disappointing aspect for me was all the damn singing! It felt too much like a musical (which it was originally meant to be, yeah I know) I just figured that when they turned it into a movie they would stick more to the dialogue to push the story instead of singing. Ah well… I’ll give it 6 dollars and fifty cents out of 10 (6.5/10). I’d watch it again if I didn’t have anything else to watch.

We caught the movie at Magic Johnson Theatres and I must say it’s a beautiful thing to walk into an establishment and see nothing but your people. From management on down to us customers. Despite how we treat each other sometimes, to be surrounded by nothing but your own people just feels good. I love the ATL, the good and the bad. Moving on…

If you already didn’t know Fam, I’m an introspective type dude. Trust me on that. When I look at life situations and people I usually see them from a different perspective than your average person. Now although this usually works to my advantage, sometimes I miss obvious details that someone else has to point out to me. Being introspective gives you a unique view on life mainly because you internalize things and analyze them instead of taking them on face value. Some people look at a glass half empty, other look at it half full. Now me, I don’t even see the glass I look at the water and think, “What if you poured that water in a smaller glass? Wouldn’t it be full then? Or if you poured it in a pitcher then it would look like hardly any water at all.” follow me on that? I see both sides of the coin and realize that things can go either way; it’s just how you look at it. Everything is exactly what it is when you go beyond outside appearance.

An example of my thought process: Let’s just say a man robbed a bank. Most people would immediately label him a criminal. Now me, I question his motives behind what he did; his purpose. Now robbing a bank isn’t the smartest thing to do but what if that was the only way he could think of to get money to feed his 3 starving children? Although what he did was still wrong, his reason behind it was for a good purpose. It is what it is.

Perspective is the difference between those that succeed and those that fail. I realized this early in my business career mainly because my perspective was shitty. When I used to Hustle with partners who were much more experienced than me, I used to be amazed at how fast they did what they did. They made it seem effortless and here I was struggling to do half of what they could do. This is the type of stuff that can turn you into a hater if you’re not careful. It just didn’t seem fair. But in reality it was fair. I wanted the good results without putting in the work to get it. Now that’s fucked up perspective; it hurt no one but me. What you THINK is what you get; not what you SEE. Don’t skip over that, it’s simple but can make a powerful impact on your future results in life.

Stay up Fam. Your Hustleman will return soon, until then I’ll be getting ready for the New Year as I know most of you will. And everyone out there enjoy your New Year and be safe. Peace and blessings.

*** Unparalleled Business Game ~ Home Based and Small Business strategies, techniques and tricks of the trade straight from your Hustleman:

Small and Home Based Business Made Easy

Monday, December 25, 2006

Seasons Greetings!

I sincerely hope everyone who celebrates Christmas is enjoying themselves and doing it BIG. Tomorrow is yet another big shopping day before we bring in the New Year. Amazing, it’s almost 2007! Is it just me or does time seem to fly these days? Personally I’ve been pretty busy, it’s a busy time of year for me but I enjoy every minute of it, except for the shopping part; mainly getting around in the traffic LOL.

This week has been dynamic, the money flowed easily and it was good to see old customers and hear their holiday stories. Everyone was pretty much up and ready to go. My man New York unfortunately got wrapped up in some bullshit which got him locked up earlier last week, but he came out on bond and hit the block like a soldier. Nearly broke, he hustled up the money to make sure that 2 of his daughters would have a good Christmas; they were coming down from New York for a few days to spend time with their father. That incident of course left me solo for most of the week and although I was busy, it was still a little boring. Hustling solo isn’t always what I would call fun or exciting. Plus working and trying to watch your own back (you know you’re always being watched by someone) with groups of people around you is not easy. All good though, that’s what I chose to do so I stayed focused and did my best. So far another Holiday season free of any incidents or robbery.

As I prepare to bring in the New Year I have been taking my time to think about my life over the past year and find areas that could definitely use some improvement. I think we all do that more or less. The New Year marks a time of new beginnings although in reality, everyday is a new beginning. So although I don’t really do the whole “New Year Resolution” thing, I do like to make sure that my upcoming year will be better than the last. One of the greater battles I have to fight is to stop smoking these damn squares (cigarettes). I’ve tried before but it was MUCH harder than I thought. If anyone tries to tell you that cigarettes are not addictive, please slap them for me. Anyway moving on…

All in all everything is fabulous. No stress just blessed. Despite all the negativity going on in the world right now I’m at peace and those around me seem that way also. It turned out to be a good Christmas after all. Tomorrow is not promised so live for today; that’s the saying right? I’m out Fam and will be back at you soon. Peace and blessings. I wish you and yours a happy, safe Holiday and week ahead. Keep it moving and keep it simple ~ If they only knew.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hustleman Scrooge?

Although I’m as optimistic as the next brother, it’s hard to ignore the fact that A LOT of people are catching it rough this year. Many people are losing their jobs; everyone I know is on a strict Holiday budget, myself included. Oh… the joy of the Holidays!

Anyway… as the holiday approaches I hear more and more people just ready to get it over with ASAP. I remember this time of year as a little dude, everyone seemed more joyful, whether frontin’ or not you could definitely feel the so-called “Holiday Spirit” in the air. I lived in Denver, Colorado then and the presence of snow really made it feel like the special season we all have seen on the television. Now here it is, everyone is either depressed, frustrated or on their way to getting that way because they know they’ll be broke (or damn close) in a few days. Bah-humbug! No doubt. Other than my god-children, everyone is getting cards this year. I love you all, but not that much LOL. Just playin’.

I just noticed this about myself a few years ago, but the older I get the more I dread the Holidays. It’s just not the same and add on the fact that I really don’t have any children around me (the Holidays are really all about them). When did the Holidays become something you want to rush through instead of something you look forward to enjoying? All I see now is the greed involved in it. It’s not about family so much anymore; it’s about spending your money to really feel like you had a “good” Holiday. Eh… maybe it’s just me.

Say what you want, but when I have children they won’t know who the hell Santa is. Don’t get me wrong, I would never deprive my children of the joy of the Holidays, but I want to keep it as real with my children as possible. I want them to be able to see reality and overstand it, not fill their heads with fantasies that there is someone out there who’s watching you all year; keeping track of your every deed. Then he comes to bring all the good kids in the world gifts in the night and you never see him, hear him but you have to thank him. I’m not with that bullshit, so miss me with that. I want my children to know that the gifts they receive came from people that love and care for them. The gifts were given out of sacrifice and thoughtfulness, not from a mystery spook who they don’t know.

My last good memory was when I was back home in Denver and grown. It was around 11pm on Christmas Eve and I was wrapping up last minute presents for my little brother who was sleep in the bed. My father and his wife (my step mother) were in the kitchen along with my Grandmother. They were finishing up cookies for dinner the next day while my dad did some early preparation for the dishes he was making. By the way, my dad can cook his ass off! The mood was positive and it felt good to be around my family. And even better to see my little brother because I didn’t see him much… and I still don’t. He’s way on the other side of the States in Cali with our mother. That time right there meant more to me than any other Christmas before. It was no longer about the gifts and the running around trying to find things for people, wondering if I was spending too much money. It was simply the time I spent with them that made it special. Unfortunately I haven’t felt that feeling in years and it’s nothing that anyone can buy you. The best things in life truly are free.

Just curious; if you feel like sharing I’d love to hear about one of your good holiday memories. I could use a little upliftment. Peace and blessings Fam! Keep it moving and keep it simple – If they only knew.

*** Unparalleled Business Game ~ Home Based and Small Business strategies, techniques and tricks of the trade straight from your Hustleman:

Hustle and Profit.Com

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Alright, I'm Back

It's been a minute Fam I know, but I'm back at you. There's alot to cover in this post so let's get to it. This week has been fabulous weather wise. I’m talking about spring temperatures outside, real talk. It’s nice to be able to leave the house and feel the sun. The only downside was that my dumb ass gambled away $300 on some bullshit and I don’t even gamble! Fortunately New York (the biggest gambler I know) talked some sense into me before it really got bad LOL. I was going to make a post about it, but it’s not that interesting, trust me on that. I’m still a little frustrated about the situation, but it was my choice so Ill just have to charge that one to the game. That’s one reason I love the hustle, I lost $300 and it didn’t stop anything, I got off my ass and made it back without missing a beat. Moving on…

Friday went lovely as always. My only complaint is these clown dudes New York has been hanging around lately and bringing to the spot. Don’t misread me, they’re cool but they’re disrupting the flow of work. They’re loud for all the wrong reasons and they have no focus. Knowing New York he’s probably training them to be workers to put on his team, although they already hustle. The problem is they’re broke hustlers. The type of leeches that hang around with dudes like New York because he will lend a hand if you ask him, even if you do him wrong (only up to certain point of course.). As much as I hate to say it, his kindness is his weakness. I predict trouble in the future if he continues to mess with these dudes, I tried to shine light on the situation but he’ll have to make his own decision.

I finally caught up with a young Lady I’ve been pursuing. She’s an entrepreneur which is what draws me to her, she overstands the Grind, feel me? She does make-up and eyebrows and owns a shop in East Point, the infamous Zone 3. On top of that she’s the Queen B of her clique. What’s a Queen B you ask? Well in just about every group of women there’s one who all the other women look up to. They value her opinion on things and come to her for advice and approval on their life decisions. Being the type of man I am, I usually like to be with the Queen B because she’s the strongest and the most free thinking. On the downside she’s busier than me so I had to make her ink me in on her schedule. We’ve talked from time to time between her appointments and photo shoots but catching her alone is like a part-time job. But you know me, I’m persistent.

The date was set for Friday but because of her schedule she wouldn’t be ready until about 10pm. On top of that she needed to be up early in the morning so it felt like speed dating. No worries though the new Will Smith movie came out so that was perfect. Side note: If you haven’t seen “The Pursuit of Happiness” yet, don’t wait! Excellent movie. The man that Will Smith portrays (based on a real life brother) went through a serious struggle. The movie is nothing less than inspirational to say the least.

So date time…You know your Hustleman had to get dipped or as the Bossmack would say, Krispy. She was looking good herself although in my opinion she had on a little too much make-up, but that’s what she does so it’s like free advertising if anyone asks her who did it. I personally feel black women don’t need much make-up to look beautiful. They already have color so make-up that just accentuates certain features is good enough for me. Another point, I never like being on a time schedule, especially for a first date but I told myself it’s time to get myself out of my comfort zone. You see Fam, for my last few relationships I’ve been dating the same types of women and this young Lady is nothing like them. Not opposite, but different. The conversation is on point which is one of the first things I look for in a woman. If I can’t hold a meaningful conversation with you, then what’s the point? She also has a great sense of humor which is cool because I can get crazy at times; a woman who takes things too serious wouldn’t be able to keep up with me.

The date was short, we went to watch the movie and that was a wrap. We talked a little on my way back home over the cells since we were in separate cars. I have to say I’m pretty impressed with her so far. She’s very grounded, but then again she’s seen a lot of struggle in her life; you can see it definitely humbled her. We’ll be hooking up again no doubt. Not bad for my first “official” date since the ending of my relationship. I wish they all would go that smooth, but for those of you out there dating, you know that’s NOT going to happen. Have I ever mentioned I think dating is a pain in the ass?

Saturday was strip club night. For most of the week the close friend of Mz Mental has been celebrating her birthday so the last thing on the list was to get all the friends together and go to the strip club; not the male strippers but the females (I’ll let you put that together on your own). We hooked her up with some drinks and table dances. The club was a little disappointing, I used to go this particular club every so often but the attitude and quality of the ladies there has really went downhill. All good though, it was about the birthday girl enjoying herself. Afterward they left to a Christmas party and I came on home. I was tired as hell, I couldn’t do another 2-3 hours at a party.

And I’d also want to give a big thanks to Mz Nici Nicole for coming through and seeing a brother from time to time, I always appreciate the good company. Plus feeling lonely is a bitch. I’m going to take you out soon; we’ll go to one of those healthy restaurants or something since you’re working out now and trying to get your Beyonce body on LOL. All good though, you know I love ya.

Be good Fam, the Holidays are right around the corner, for those that celebrate. I hope you’re ready because I’m not. Damn this year went by fast! Anyway your Hustleman is signing off, much love as always, be back at you soon. Peace!

*** Unparalleled Business Game ~ Home Based and Small Business strategies, techniques and tricks of the trade straight from your Hustleman:

Take Control of Your Financial Future

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Taking A Short Break

Peace and Blessings Fam! First and foremost let me extend my apologies to you all, I’ve been absent from many of your blogs and my own. You have to overstand, this is the Holiday Season so I’ve been overtime on my grind. On top of that I’m trying to get this dating thing up and running so I’ve been meeting a few nice young ladies here and there trying to find one I can at least hold a decent conversation with… but that’s another story. Rest assured though I’m putting some things together for you all that will be ready for the New Year.

I’m almost done with a new book; a remake of a classic in my opinion. The book was originally published in 1910 but it still has relevance to this day and time. I call it the “Little Book” and it’s one that really helped me look at building wealth differently; less of a struggle and more like the natural order of things. This book will be FREE of charge and available by invitation only. Of course I will be inviting all my blog readers to download the “Little Book” and it will be ready soon.

Also on the horizon will be some interviews with fellow Hustlers (or should I say entrepreneurs) around the Atlanta Metro area. I hope these interviews will inspire and pass on some business Game while giving you all more of the inner workings of what it’s like to create a successful business out of nothing. I’m trying to get a broad variety of business types so I’ve set up interviews with everyone from Eyebrows/Makeup Artists to Private Real Estate Investors. Every one of them young black entrepreneurs doing their thing. I’ve never done interviews before so this should be interesting LOL. I’ll have to feel my way around but I’ll get it, your Hustleman is persistent if nothing else.

So over the next week I’ll be catching up on blogs and will continue to grind throughout the Holiday. Hell, I’m even trying to fit some dates in my schedule. I’ll be taking a short break from blogging and will return to you all next Sunday, December 17th. Until then be well Fam and stay safe out there.

*** Unparalleled Business Game ~ Home Based and Small Business strategies, techniques and tricks of the trade straight from your Hustleman:

Invest In Your Financial Future

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Real Game, Real Talk: The Hustler VS The Worker

Today is Sunday and although I do have a lot to reflect on for the past week I have been pushed, so to speak, to stop bullshittin’ and really break down Hustling. So this is the birth of a new series here on the blog, “Real Game, Real Talk”. There’s a few of you out there who read my words but are still are hazy on the details. So in this post I will explore a HUGE mental distinction that separates the entrepreneur from what we call the “worker”. This is straight Game right here! No fluff and no beating around the bush. If you get it then you get it, if not, then maybe one day it will “click” for you.

So here it is Fam, the viewpoint of “The Hustle” straight from a Hustler. By the way if you’re a new reader to the blog then just know that a Hustler is an entrepreneur. We just start with what we have at hand and build from there. It’s a both a lifestyle and a way of thinking. Stay with me for a minute or two if you would.

You know it’s funny, the “worker” and the Hustler are like night and day. It’s not so much the end outcome they’re after, I mean seriously in the end it’s about money. A Hustler though, looks at the whole process a little different. What’s that difference exactly? Hustler’s choose to get paid on their RESULTS and the “worker” chooses to get based on TIME. The end result is money but the methods of getting to it are completely different.

We all have the same amount of time per day but if you let someone dictate what you’re time is worth then that’s what you’re going to get. However if you choose to get paid based on results, the sky’s the limit. There’s no ceiling on your income as the so-called professionals would say.

Result based income is part of what makes the world go around. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say you’re working at a job and you’re getting paid $15.00 an hour. No matter how hard you work, no matter how much you accomplish in that hour you’re only getting $15.00 for your efforts. But if you get paid based on results then the more you do in that hour, the more money you’ll make. Again, the harder you work, the more money you make. What’s the underlying difference here? It’s control. Control? Yes, control. When you are paid by the hour, you have absolutely no control over how much you can make. Someone else has already told you what you’re worth. However when you get paid based on your performance (and the results of that performance) then you’re in control and you make what you’re worth. It’s a sacrifice and a scary thing to people who are afraid to fail. On a side note I have seen some damn good business ideas never get off the ground because of this fear of failure. Hustler’s have no time for fear; it slows down or stops progress altogether.

I often tell people interested in starting a business venture that it can be (not always) the hardest work you’ll probably ever do in your life. But it also rewards those who know how to do what they do and do it well. Do you realize that if you put as much time, commitment and energy into doing something for yourself as you do a job, you can actually make it in business? Of course the right tools and knowledge comes into play, but we’re just talking about the amount of shear effort right now.

For you “workers” out there, think about your work day for a moment. You wake up at a certain time; you spend the next hour or so just getting ready for work. Then you have to actually get to work. Then when you’re at work, you do your job. After work you make your way back home. You actually only worked 8 hours but that whole process took maybe 10, more or less. That’s 10 hours of your day gone, and only 8 of that is bringing you money. Those other 2 or so hours are used to just have the privilege of working; effort with no monetary gain. To Hustler that’s wasted time.

You have to go from waiting to get paid to creating how much you get paid. “Workers” often times don’t really see that. And on the other side of the coin… Hustlers don’t see how “workers” don’t see what we see. Hell, I didn’t see it either until someone took the time to explain it to me. Sad truth is, we’re not taught to see it. We’re taught to get paid based on time.

Here’s the part that hurts. Since we are all on the same clock, getting paid based on time will only get you so far so fast. You have to put in more time to make more money. Then you have us Hustler’s who put in more effort to make more money. The “worker” is controlled by time, the Hustler uses time. The end results can be seen in the wallet.

You want a little extra money? Do you realize that if you became a Notary Public and set yourself up correctly and offered that service to businesses who really need it (especially if you can go to them) you could potentially make an extra $200 or so a month or more (realistically, if you’re in or near a major city think in the thousands)? Now here’s where the “worker” shakes their head and says, “$200 extra dollars a month? That’s no money!” But you know what a Hustler sees? He or she will take that $200 and use it to either expand the Notary business or invest it into something else. We do things in steps.

It’s not always about the amount of money, but how you use it. Most “workers” don’t place a serious value on their money so they spend it and stress while they do it. They worry whether or not they will have enough money left to pay the rent or mortgage if they go out for dinner at a nice restaurant. How is THAT living? A Hustler values their money because it wasn’t given to them (I use that term loosely), but they made it; they created it and they know its hidden potential.

Before this post gets too long let me tell you one more thing. Perspective is the key to unlock the door from “worker” mentality to entrepreneur mentality. The way you look at things doesn’t change those things, but it changes you. And when you change, you will see beyond the appearance of things and be able to get to the root of them. I hope you all hear me.

Stay up Fam! Much love to you all, and as always I’m here for your questions and inquires. Get at me:

*** Unparalleled Business Game ~ Home Based and Small Business strategies, techniques and tricks of the trade straight from your Hustleman:

Hustle and Profit. Com