The Hustleman Chronicles

Hustling in the concrete jungle of Atlanta, Georgia USA isn't easy. My goal? Simple... to go from net worth zero to the making of my first million. Will I flop, or rise to the top? Truth be told, failure is NOT an option. E-Mail your Hustleman at : for some personal dialogue, comments or questions.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The M1 Project And Updates

Fam! What's good with you? Your Hustleman has returned and the grind is on me big time. I've literally have slept about 18 hours in the last 4 days but I'm actually feeling pretty good. Also I apologize to the Blog Fam for not checking in with your posts I've just been crazy busy. I'll be making my way around today for sure. The pic above is of the overcast days we've been having lately as fall rolls in. Saturday was beautiful though and today is just as nice. If I had more time on my hands I would have done something big. There's no Sunday Reflection today but I figured I could at least up date you about what's going on with me and around me.

1) The M1 Project:
As you all know this whole blog is dedicated to my journey towards accomplishing my goal of making my first million. So all my lack of sleep lately has been straight work on editing and setting up my website and finishing up my first project. Much respect to all the web designers out there, I never realized how difficult that shit really is. And my website isn't even what you would call super "professional". Design is just not my thing but it's something I need to practice so I took it upon myself to do it myself.

The M1 Project is my first step (1) towards my million (M). When everything is up and running as it should be I'll definitely put you all on to the site and give more details as to what you Hustleman has gotten into. My "live" launch date is set for the 15th of November so if no major problem arise, it should be ready to go by then. I'm excited to say the least, I've been wanting to do this for about 4 years now. Laziness and fear had caught the best of me but I'm on top of it now.

2) Things at home:
From my last post all of you know that me and my lady of 2 years have parted ways. Everything is good and we are still getting along as usual. No uncomfortableness or odd moments so it's all good. The love of course is still there and it's nice to know we still have each others backs, feel me?

3) The return of New York:
New York has returned to "The A"! He had hit his lotto number and went home for awhile to visit family. I saw him Thursday as he pulled up in his brand new 06 PT Cruiser sittin' on chrome wheels. He was sportin' a fresh hair cut (he said he wasn't going to cut it until he hit his number) and actually had a smile on his face. It was good to see the brother I admit. The spot is kind of dull without him.

We didn't have much time to talk but he did let me know that everything with him is good. He's investing more into his business and will hopefully have things up and runing soon. The car was paid for in cash and that's just inspirational to me. I love seeing my people do well, it get's me back on my grind even harder.

4) New up and comer to the blog 'verse:
Big love to Mz Nici Nicole who will soon be starting her blog here on blogger. This is a good friend of mine and I'm sure you all will love her perspectives and insights. When she's ready, I'll make the announcement and pass on the link to you all.

5) Bad judgement:
I was at my spot working recently and I saw one of my homegirls. Her eyes were red and her spirit just looked broken. She told me that she finally had confirmation that what she suspected was true. Her man was cheating on her. Her man's other woman got her cell number and sent her a very detailed set of text messages which broke my homegirl's heart.

Here's my issue. My homegirl is from a pretty well to do family, she's attractive, intelligent and educated. Yet, she's running around with this bum ass drug dealin' dude who has nothing to offer her. They argue constantly, he checks on her like he doesn't trust her. He doesn't keep his word or commitments, you get my point. Maybe the dick is good, I don't know, but I can't put 2 and 2 together. The best thing I could tell her was to just stop settling on bullshit. Life's too short for it. And on top of that, this dude is sub-standard, at least that's my perspective. I've seen him a few times and he always gives me that "hater" look. I guess because his girl and I have conversations. The heart wants what it wants I guess, but I think it's just bad judgement. Maybe my female readers can hit me to something I'm missing. Why all the settling for bad relationships? I've been hearing this regularly lately. Anyway...

All in all life is good, no stress just blessed. Keeping it moving and keeping it simple in the process. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this that means alot to me. I'm still in grind mode so be patient with me, I'll try to keep the posts as regular as possible. Be good Fam and stay on your grind out there. Life is full of opportunites if your eyes are open, with that being said, remember not all opportunities are right for you.


  • At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I like what The God had to say. To me, these ladies hold on for dear life because they don't think they can do any better. It's the Devil you know Syndrome. Lacking self worth these ladies hold on even though they're miserable.

    Like the God said, it's a growth issue that Only the lady can overcome on her own.

    Sorry about you and your lady. You seem to be dealing with it like you are just taking the next breath. Always interesting!

  • At 3:09 PM, Blogger The_Hustleman AKA James W. Dennis said…

    @ the god - Peace to the god! You're right, that's a situation I have to leave alone. She's still a little on the young side (23) so I figure maybe she'll learn something in all of this before it gets any worse. Then again she is a leo like me, so we can be very hard-headed lol.

    @ The Capt - I appreciate your sentiments about me and my lady but everything is what it is. I'm continuing to move forward and she is too. It's nice to still have the friendship there because I value that very much. I wish the best for her and I know she feels the same towards me. Peace!

  • At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We as women tend to think we need a man to make us happy. We have been taught our whole lives that we as women are not complete on our own. And any man will do as long as it's a man. I don't agree with this but it's really true. Some women just don't want to be alone. For whatever reason this is, we will put up with the dumbest junk just to have someone to hold us at night.
    I also think that people in general are fake! When you meet a new person and want to know more of this person, you become this whole other person. And the other person becomes a nother person also. So as time passes, you fall for eachother. The problem with that is later when you become "the true you" again, it's too late. The deed has been done. One of you is "in love" and you fail to realize that he is not that person anymore and never really was. So we associate this man with the way he use to be, not the way he is truly.
    I can talk about this for ever because as you know this is the main topic i get calls on from friends. I hope i cleared it up just a little bit and not made you more confused about what we as women think.

  • At 2:08 PM, Blogger Prophetess said…

    Greetings, Businessman.

    I concur across the board with your girl. But I can't really speak on that because I've been there and done that. I was a fool!

    Good to see you striving towards your goals. Good luck and good results towards your M1 project!

  • At 8:22 PM, Blogger The_Hustleman AKA James W. Dennis said…

    @ Mz Mental - Agreed, those first 3 to 6 months usually are the easiest. Both people put up the "Good Man" and "Good Woman" image and when the truth comes out that's when there's complications and issues. The thing is with my homegirl is she's suspected this for months, I don't see what's the shock value there.

    @ Mz JoJo - Thanks for your positive words, this is something that's been a lonfg time in the making, hopefully it will do what it's supposed to do and change the minds of many people out there who are looking for what I can offer. Peace and blessings sista.


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