The Hustleman Chronicles

Hustling in the concrete jungle of Atlanta, Georgia USA isn't easy. My goal? Simple... to go from net worth zero to the making of my first million. Will I flop, or rise to the top? Truth be told, failure is NOT an option. E-Mail your Hustleman at : for some personal dialogue, comments or questions.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday Reflection: The Minimal Minded Syndrome

Welcome back Family! I hope your week was good for you and good to you. And for the record, yes I put a picture of a garbage can on this post. Why? Because lately your Hustleman has been throwing away alot of garbage in my life. This garbage mainly comes from other people in my life that never truly had my best interest in mine. So I toss it out and keep it moving, feel me?

Now business wise I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. The weather was for the most part mild, not too hot but hot enough. Business has been fabulous and New York and I are really just running the block right now. It's been me and him alone almost all week. He hasn't hit his lotto number yet but he's positive that it will come this month or next month. We'll see. On to this weeks thoughts and lesson...

You know Fam, I have recently figured out something that's true about 95% of the average people you meet.Well it's not that I just figured it out, it's more like the truth of it finally hit me like a ton of bricks. Most people take the easy way out of things. They will do as little as they possibly can to get something. I call this the "Minimal Minded Syndrome".

I'm guilty of this myself and so are most of you. Why is it human beings take the easy road when trying to do things? Why do we take the easy road when trying to accomplish things? Hell, I think we often times forget that we get out of something what we put into it. Garbage in, garbage out.

We often times do this in many areas of our life. In our work, in our friendships, love relationships, the attempted achievement of our goals, etc. Have you ever had a "If I would have only did that.", or a "I really should have done this instead." moment? We all have and we normally only think this way when what we were trying to do doesn't work out the way we wanted.

Funny part of the whole thing is the fact that we just don't do all we can do at all times. We're fucking lazy, bottom line. Simple. Sadly this becomes a normal way of thinking for many of us. We begin to accept little rewards, instead of putting our all into something to get the big rewards. What are we afraid of? Even if we fail we at least gave it our all. And you know when you put your all into something, you give your soul a chance to grow and the experience alone will teach you an important life lesson.

I've been around alot of people with money. I'm talking about people who pull in 6 figures and some even 7. I watch these people and look at their lives and a good percentage of them all have a similar theme that runs through them. They are unfullfilled. They have the money, but life is a boring, tedious chore for them. They're not happy. They are so caught up into putting on a fake persona and playing the "does the money match" game with other wealthy people that they sometimes become just a shell of what they used to be.

I've also been around people of the broke persuasion and although they don't have the big money, they've learned to take pleasure in simple things like family and friends. But they are not happy either. It's hard to be broke and truly happy. This "Minimal Minded Syndrome" is universal. The wealthy put alot into making money and a little into everything else. The poor put alot into enjoying themselves and a little into making money. There's usually very little balance. It's not easy, but if you put as much as you can daily into every area of your life, I think the end rewards would be worth it. After all who doesn't want to wake up in the morning with a smile on their face? Who doesn't want to go through life happy?

A mentor of mine once said, "The things you gain in life have a price. And that price is the things you will lose in the proces of gaining them." You can never achieve anything great without losing something along the way and that's just a reality. But A person is only truly happy when things are happyning, oh sorry I meant happening, their way. I know, you can't always have everything your way. But hell, why not try? Why not put your all into every area of your life and make it into what you want it to be? I have an answer, laziness. Doing minimal shit to just get by doesn't cut it in the long run. I can bare witness to that. So focus on the most important things and lose the things that will get you nowhere in the future. Use your time wisely and remember the most impotant things in life are usually given to us for "free" (family, health, your mind, etc.) don't neglect them.

Take care Fam. Just wanted to give you something to think about. I will return to you soon so as always... keep it moving. The Hustleman is out.


  • At 11:06 AM, Blogger Disco said…

    You know what love... this topic is deep on may levels. For real. And as I was reading I said the same thing in terms of why do people NOT do more (my black ass included)? And I think it is a combo deal.....fear AND laziness!

    I am a budding photographer and for yeeeeears have loved the art of taking pictures but was SSSSSSOOO SCARED to fail and to not step out on faith. i finally did it and though I am still just starting and I LOVE doing this, I am STILL LAZY with it! I neeeeed to take some classes, I NEEED to look at the instructional Photoshop DVD's my photography mentor gave me and I NEEEEEED to go and just take pictures to get more experience in different settings/lighting.

    Have I done any of those things? Nope. Well....there is the issue that I have a little one which DOES, no excuses about this, take a LOT of time (which I willingly give, but nevertheless....time is taken). But dammit if you ain't right Shai...... It's the ole " keep doinig what you have been and you'll get what you've BEEN getting!"

    I believe that we as people are inherently lazy. Why you ask? It , to me, goes back to something that I once heard said. All that people do can be attibuted to one of two things (which are really just the same thing, but opposites of each other) and that is to 1.Gain pleasure or 2. Avoid pain.

    I believe that. People fuck to what? Gain pleasure. People go to work everyday to what? Gain pleasure AND avoid pain (i.e. sleeping in uncomfortable place,in the elements, not having basic necessities.......all that shit is least to most people.) People eat to what? Avoid pain AND gain pleasure. it's painful than a muthafucka when your stomach is aching from hunger! And food has long been linked, on a chemical response level in your brain, to sex.

    It's all the same thang baby. We are creatures of comfort. And it's COMFORTABLE to some to just "get by" or to some (those who are verrrrry driven) it is not. As well, I think you put it WELL when you said that that price you pay for your work is what you lose to get that shit. And THAT my friend is the balance most of us try to strike in our eveyday lives.

    GREAT post Shai!!!

  • At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This was definitely a GREAT post, as so many or ALL of your previous posts.

    The God and I have had SO many in depth conversations about fear and being content with your current level of success and comfort.

    I agree 100 percent; 'you can not gain anything great without losing something along the way.' The thing that makes this difficult for those of us that do put our ALL into what we do is, we struggle and work so hard for what we have, it's hard to give up some of those comforts to acheive greater success. Atleast, I know that's what it is for me.

    This is, without a doubt, something to keep you thinking. You always give us plenty of food for thought. Smile!

  • At 9:51 PM, Blogger The_Hustleman AKA James W. Dennis said…

    @ Mz Robyn - The pleasure and pain princple, very deep. And you're absolutely right. I, like everyone else fights with this on a daily. I put more into my relationship with my woman, the energy I need to put into my business begins to slip. I put more energy into my business, my relationship begins to slip. I'm actually going through this now as I still have my hustle and I'm setting up for another business. My time and energy to put into my relationship is hard to give -- hmm, furure post idea there LOL. Anyway I'm doing my best to keep it as balanced as possible. And stay on your photography grind Mz Robyn! If you love it do it, why deny yourself the... pleasure? @ the goddess - Yes sacrificing comfort is a muthafucka. But in the end you can have greater comfort. I guess it's all a matter of maintaining what you have now while working toward a better future. It's not easy (or fun for that matter), and it's even worse when it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. As always I appreciate you both for stopping by... now time to get back to writing...


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