Real Game, Real Talk #2: Words And Influence
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So for those of you out there wondering just what it is I do to make money out here on these streets, I can usually sum it up to being good with ONE main thing (there’s a lot more to it but this is one of the most important parts); and that is using words to get results. The results I’m after are two-fold. 1) I’m trying to get you to spend your money on what I’m selling and 2) I also need to make you feel comfortable and confident enough with me to come back and become a regular customer, i.e. to spend more money. To any type of Hustler (entrepreneur) the mouth-piece (the way you talk and use words) is key. The only thing more important is how you think and your perspective on things, period. Simple.
Without effective communication you can pretty much sew up your chances of being a successful entrepreneur. There’s no nice way to put that. We Hustlers learn to communicate in such a way that we demand to be heard and we also learn to talk our way into and out of things using some pretty easy word choices. Let’s get into this a little deeper shall we?
To even begin to overstand (stand over not under) why we place such an important emphasis on communication you must know that at its very root, communication (both written and oral) is a form of manipulation. Swallow that if you can. Most of us spend over 70% of our time talking trying to communicate our perspective. We constantly talk about what we like, what we don’t like, what bothers and/or irritates us. All of this talking is to make an impression of ourselves to the person we’re speaking with. Are you following me? On some level we want the person we’re speaking with to be able to sympathize with what we’re saying, and possibly agree with our point of view. That’s a form of manipulation; like it or not.
Now for a Hustler we need to get our customers and clients to see the benefit of buying what it is we’re selling. It’s similar to professional selling (car salespeople for example) but it’s much faster paced. We’re not going to try to spend 10 minutes selling something to you when we can talk to 5 other people in that 10 minutes and make money. Hence the word Hustle – it means to shuffle things and move quickly. Our mouth-piece is like a fully automatic weapon. What we spit needs to be clear and straight to the point; it needs to make sense. The best way to sell is to sell by LOGIC but the biggest reason people buy is based on EMOTION (I’ll try to remember to cover that another time). So how the hell do you sell logically and move people emotionally? Let’s play a simple word game.
Grab a piece of paper and something to write with. I’m going to present a word to you and I want you to write down all the words that come to you after you read it. Just write them down, don’t think about them and don’t judge them. Just let it flow. Ready?
First word:
Got those written down? Good! Now let’s continue.
Second word:
And one more…
Third word:
Now if you noticed all these words are ordinary words; nothing spectacular or unusual about them at all. They’re very “logical” words. Now let’s look at what you wrote down for each. If you’re like most people, what you wrote down were words to DEFINE the words I wrote. For example… most people read the word carrot and write down orange and/or vegetable. These are words to define what a carrot is, feel me?
I just said the word, but your mind tried to define it by using more words. The English language is fucked up in this regard because when you read the word plain you can’t help think, if only for a split second, of the word plane (as airplane or a flat plane) also. You mind is searching for a DEFINITION. It’s unconscious and automatic.
*** SIDE NOTE: Since your mind works like this, I can completely throw you off when I use words and word combinations like “overstand” and in writing, “two incidents” – two is also the prefix “co”, so two incidents is really the word “co”incidence because if you have two similar incidents that’s a coincidence, right?
These were different word combinations with similar meanings in your mind but NOT by the dictionary definition. By the way, a DICTIONary doesn’t give DICTION, it defines, so shouldn’t it be called a definitionary? I got you again LOL.
You have to stop for a moment and break the words down to have it make sense to yourself. And all of this word play will FORCE you to listen (or read) what is said – if you want to overstand it that is. Forcing a person to REALLY listen to you is another trick of the trade but that’s another topic… back on point… ***
So to sell something logically I must speak or write logically but I must move you emotionally. All the greatest motivational speeches throughout history as well as meaningful songs have used this same formula, and it’s what us Hustler’s use to make money. Same principle only much faster. I’ll give you a short example and then I’ll let you go.
Which one moves you more? Line A or Line B?
A) I woke up and looked out the window. It was a beautiful day.
B) I woke up and looked out the window. The sun was bright and the sky was blue and clear.
In Line A, the word beautiful leaves your mind to interpret what’s a beautiful day TO YOU. In Line B, the beauty is defined FOR YOU and moves you more although both lines are saying the same thing. Why? Because it’s more descriptive.
To be even more specific… Line B moves you because it captures your imagination! It creates PICTURES in your mind. Since our minds think in pictures, the mind can clearly accept what is being read. This is a major key to having an effective mouth-piece; properly using words to capture a person’s imagination. This is a subtle manipulation because you are now “seeing” in your mind what I WANT you to see; I didn’t leave room for you to interpret it for yourself! I’ll let you think that over. Peace and blessings Fam!
*** Unparalleled Business Game ~ Home Based and Small Business strategies, techniques and tricks of the trade straight from your Hustleman:
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At 3:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am here listening and reading...why you not posting more?
At 2:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Since I was young I always had an ambition to become wealthy. This was not just for the sake of being wealthy, but because I saw what a struggle money was for so many people around me.
The Internet Marketing Genius, Carael Knight
Not knowing where to start on actually making money, I went to college and got a Business Degree. After graduation, I went straight into working in the financial industry only to find that I did not like putting in long hours even for the substantial starting salary.
Who Wants To Be A Internet Millionaire
I know most people would've been happy with what I was making, but the truth is that I had no free time. To me having my time was more important then having more money. I knew there had to be a way to have both so I started looking for other ventures outside of the traditional workforce.
I tried several different things and ended up making the most on eBay. I juggled my full time job and eBay for nearly a year until I was making enough online to quit my job and pay my bills.
I started to live the life. eBay was growing and actually started to make me more money then what I had been making at my "professional" job.
The Internet Marketing Genius, Carael Knight
Most "Real" home based online money making businesses has to have "Proof of Earnings" to back up what they say right? Well...............
See My Earnings Here!
I don't just "talk the talk", I "walk the walk" and can back up everything that I'm telling you. Look at it this way, if you make "ONLY" a measely $274 a day, that about $100,000 a year! Think about it.
The Internet Marketing Genius, Carael Knight
$274 A Day = $100,000 A Year
I don't know about you, but this is amazing to me when you really think about it!
If the truth be told I should be selling this system for hundreds of dollars because of how confident I am with this manual. Initially I offered it for $299 and was able to sell the program very successfully.....................
Who Wants To Be A Internet Millionaire
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