The Hustleman Chronicles

Hustling in the concrete jungle of Atlanta, Georgia USA isn't easy. My goal? Simple... to go from net worth zero to the making of my first million. Will I flop, or rise to the top? Truth be told, failure is NOT an option. E-Mail your Hustleman at : for some personal dialogue, comments or questions.

Friday, September 29, 2006

What Is The Game? (in part)

Family peace and blessings to you all. As always I thank everyone who comes by and checks out your Hustleman, much love. Fall is coming to the ATL, I feel it creeping up slowly but the weather is still pretty nice overall so no complaints. If you don't know, I love Fridays. This one started out slow but finished with a bang. It was a fabulous day. Seems New York is in a state of semi-depression. He hasn't hit his numbers yet, and he's been backward hustling so he's pressed to get up his rent money. What can I say? His lotto habit will be his downfall if he doesn't keep it under control.

As a make way into my next business venture I've had alot of time to really think about this thing called "The Game". I've been mentioning it alot here on The Chronicles so I figured it was time to once and for all make this plain and crystal for all of you who may have wondered. Now to fully explain The Game would take up more room then we have here, or at least be broken up into a 3 parter so I decided to condense it and hopefully still get the meaning across. If you're ready, here it goes.

Coming to you as promised! The break down of the very nature of this thing we call "The Game". So, The Game, what is it really? Everyone mentions it, and throws it into their vocabulary to try to sound deep and most don't even understand what the hell they're talking about. Let me first say this. The game is like an unseen entity, it is always around but only a few know it's there, you got me? In order for me to explain The Game you have to first know what it's not. It's a process called negation, stay with me here.

0) The game is not checkers, it's chess. You have to play always thinking 2 or 3 moves ahead.
1) The Game is not just a term. It's as real as death and taxes.
2) The Game cannot be completely controlled but can be regulated or used against someone who doesn't know the rules.
3) The Game does not exist because you say so, it existed before you and I and will continue to exist after we are long and gone
4) The Game does not cheat anyone. It's very essence is completely fair but people can cheat those in The Game especially if those people have no knowledge of it
5) The Game shows no judgement although not playing quite by the rules will catch up to you in a bad way
6) The Game never stops. It operates whether you know about it or not; whether you play it or not; Whether you ignore it or not
7) The Game is not a singular it's a plural. Everything has a game attached to it. And every game has it's own set of rules, regulations and laws. Beneath those rules are the rules created by men and women inside The Game
8) The Game is not to be given for free. It has price-tag attached. Whether you pay for it with actual money, through experience or through time and energy you will end up paying for it one way or another
9) The Game cannot be played if you just watch. If you just watch, The game will play you.

Now since that's out the way let me break this down for you....
Before I begin hustling in the "street" game I was your average employee. I went to work, I did my job and I went home. And I complained about the whole process. Even on my off days I complained about having to go back to work. At one of my last jobs I was a security officer. I used to work graveyard shift in a high rise building here in downtown Atlanta. The only really good thing about this job was the fact that there was a room off in the back of lobby where you could go sleep. And I did, every night.

Now, my immediate boss AKA the account manager was on some double agent shit. He worked for the same company I worked for, but spent his spare time trying to get my company to lose it's contract so he could bring in, and run, another security company. Obviously his motivation was more power and more money. He didn't give a damn that a few of the security staff, myself included, would be out of a job. Fucked up you say? Not really. He played The Game tight. He used my employer's time and the money they paid him to set up his new company to get the security contract. Lose the Honda and get a Lexus in it's place, feel me?

It was all in The Game and that's where I charged it. I charged it to The Game. The owners of that high rise wanted the best security they could afford, and the double agent account manager was able to deliver. What's fuckin' with that? The only people that truly lost were the employees that were out of a job. But we were just that, employee's. You can't call shots in the "Employer and Employee" Game unless you have the power to do it. Low level employees don't have that power and that's my point. Simple.

The Game rewards those that play and know the rules. Not those on the side-lines or those that don't know about The Game. If you want to advance and prosper in anything, you have to overstand it (over, not under), inside and out, up and down, back and forth you follow me? You have to know it's rules and you have to put yourself in the position where you can play. And I do mean play, not just watch. This is real game I'm giving you here. You want to move up in your career? Stop watching, learn the rules and play. Want to be an entrepreneur? Learn the rules of your particular game and start playing. When you do this, you immediately become more powerful. Why? Because you know what the hell is going on now.

So, how does a person learn the rules of The Game they're in? Well, you have to pay LOL. Money, energy, time or even trial and error. But the best way is to find a mentor. Someone that's already seasoned in The Game who can teach you the rules. Of course you still have to put in the time and work, but you get my point. "The Game is to be sold, not told." This is the nature of The Game and it cannot be avoided.

Well Fam I could write on this topic for awhile but I'll stop here. As always thanks for taking your precious time with me here and I hope I made it worth your while. Much love Fam and as always... keep it moving.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Usual Suspects

Greetings Fam! I sincerely hope this week is going well for ya. If not, then make an effort to change it. As for me, it was another slow motion day for your Hustleman. I don't know what it is about the last week of the month, but things don't get good until Fridays (my favorite day of the week - I thought you knew!). Clientele still came by to show some monetary love to your Hustleman so I'm not complaining, well in a way I am because there need to be more of them LOL. Just playin'. Overall this week has been pretty good so far, my wiriting is going well and I've actually had time to rest.

Big Boy E the part-timey Hustler was at the spot and we got on the conversation of women as usual. We shared our stories of getting oral jobs and driving on the freeway and how dangerous of a situation that is. If I'm going over 35 mph I can't take it. Me and that girl will probably end up dead in a ditch somewhere, no bullshit. I love it, just not that much, feel me?

My man Moose also stopped by. He's an older brother from Cali, the country part as he puts it, and is loving "The A" right now. He's going on about 4 or 5 months here, and I'll say this, it takes a good year to adjust. I don't care where you're from.

Seems him and his wife are going through it right now so he always tells me about it. I guess it all goes back to the power struggle present in most relationships. Everybody wants to wear the pants and no one wants to wear the panties. I've met his wife and have talked to her on a few occasions, she seems pleasant enough, but then again I don't live with her. I can't stand relationship drama which is one reason I'm hesitant to get married. Most men I know say a woman changes when they get those vows. Anyway moving on...

Not to far from my huslte spot is a grocery store. So I'm walking by and two Fulton County squad cars pull up. One of the officers gets out and goes inside. I'm chillin' outside and running my mouth to the locals but also trying to check out what's going on. You have to know what's going on in and around your spot at all times.

About a half hour passes and that's when I realize what's going on. Someone was trying to steal something and the usual suspects were in the store that day at the same time. Of course they were rounded up for questioning. Who are the usual suspects you ask? Our local crackheads. We have about 4 males and 2 females. A couple have been banned from going into the store at all and a couple more have been arrested and they still come back to the same damn store. Go figure. When they do steal it's usually either meat or simple things like toothpaste, deodorant, soap etc. Now the twist is they don't steal this stuff to use it, they steal it to sell it. This should go without saying but never buy meat off a crackhead. If they cant get it out of the store, they usually grab the out-dated meat from the garbage bins in the back. Mmmm tasty.

Seems someone was at it again, but this time they knew that they were being watched so they made their way to the bathroom and left it in there. It was the men's bathroom and 3 of the males were there. One of them, we'll call him Ant, was prime suspect. When he first moved to Georgia him and I wre pretty cool. He was another failed drug-dealer who got busted, did Fed time and when he got out refused to go back into The Life. Now he's a crackhead, check the irony. Needless to say we're not cool anymore because 1) I don't hang with crakheads and 2) I don't like thieves like that.

He was interrogated for about 15 minutes and since they couldn't prove anything he left, but the cop wouldn't let up on him. And sure enough when he saw me he had to make his case. "You know me Shai, if I was going to get somethin' then I would have got somethin'. I would have just walked out." I nodded and he continued, "Why would I do that? Why would I get somethin and just leave it. I can run you know. I wouldn't leave it I woulda left and run. I could out run those bitches." I replied, "I hear you." He continued, "What sense does that make, just to leave it? I would have already been gone."

I looked at him then looked at his hands. No grocery bag, which makes me wonder why he was in the store in the first place. I just nodded and kept my thoughts to myself. Why does this dude need to justify himself to me? When did your Hustleman become the block judge and jury? And why does he think I would believe him, and why would I care? My motto: Do you, just don't do you around me, if it's some bullshit.

He rambled on for another minute and walked off. Maybe he just had to get that off his chest, I hope he felt better. I listened to him just for the information, I needed to know what was going down so I could be alert if any drama on my block was going to jump off. But anyway on to my point. Once you're labled as something negative, it's hard to get rid of that. You can live most of your life as a holy moly saint, but do one bad thing and people will remember you for that more than the good things you've done. People are people, and people are a trip. Whether he did it or not I don't know, but he will continue to be watched and harassed. What a wonderful life. Anyhow Fam keep it moving and stay up, your Hustleman will return in a couple days. Until then, Peace!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday Reflection: The Minimal Minded Syndrome

Welcome back Family! I hope your week was good for you and good to you. And for the record, yes I put a picture of a garbage can on this post. Why? Because lately your Hustleman has been throwing away alot of garbage in my life. This garbage mainly comes from other people in my life that never truly had my best interest in mine. So I toss it out and keep it moving, feel me?

Now business wise I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. The weather was for the most part mild, not too hot but hot enough. Business has been fabulous and New York and I are really just running the block right now. It's been me and him alone almost all week. He hasn't hit his lotto number yet but he's positive that it will come this month or next month. We'll see. On to this weeks thoughts and lesson...

You know Fam, I have recently figured out something that's true about 95% of the average people you meet.Well it's not that I just figured it out, it's more like the truth of it finally hit me like a ton of bricks. Most people take the easy way out of things. They will do as little as they possibly can to get something. I call this the "Minimal Minded Syndrome".

I'm guilty of this myself and so are most of you. Why is it human beings take the easy road when trying to do things? Why do we take the easy road when trying to accomplish things? Hell, I think we often times forget that we get out of something what we put into it. Garbage in, garbage out.

We often times do this in many areas of our life. In our work, in our friendships, love relationships, the attempted achievement of our goals, etc. Have you ever had a "If I would have only did that.", or a "I really should have done this instead." moment? We all have and we normally only think this way when what we were trying to do doesn't work out the way we wanted.

Funny part of the whole thing is the fact that we just don't do all we can do at all times. We're fucking lazy, bottom line. Simple. Sadly this becomes a normal way of thinking for many of us. We begin to accept little rewards, instead of putting our all into something to get the big rewards. What are we afraid of? Even if we fail we at least gave it our all. And you know when you put your all into something, you give your soul a chance to grow and the experience alone will teach you an important life lesson.

I've been around alot of people with money. I'm talking about people who pull in 6 figures and some even 7. I watch these people and look at their lives and a good percentage of them all have a similar theme that runs through them. They are unfullfilled. They have the money, but life is a boring, tedious chore for them. They're not happy. They are so caught up into putting on a fake persona and playing the "does the money match" game with other wealthy people that they sometimes become just a shell of what they used to be.

I've also been around people of the broke persuasion and although they don't have the big money, they've learned to take pleasure in simple things like family and friends. But they are not happy either. It's hard to be broke and truly happy. This "Minimal Minded Syndrome" is universal. The wealthy put alot into making money and a little into everything else. The poor put alot into enjoying themselves and a little into making money. There's usually very little balance. It's not easy, but if you put as much as you can daily into every area of your life, I think the end rewards would be worth it. After all who doesn't want to wake up in the morning with a smile on their face? Who doesn't want to go through life happy?

A mentor of mine once said, "The things you gain in life have a price. And that price is the things you will lose in the proces of gaining them." You can never achieve anything great without losing something along the way and that's just a reality. But A person is only truly happy when things are happyning, oh sorry I meant happening, their way. I know, you can't always have everything your way. But hell, why not try? Why not put your all into every area of your life and make it into what you want it to be? I have an answer, laziness. Doing minimal shit to just get by doesn't cut it in the long run. I can bare witness to that. So focus on the most important things and lose the things that will get you nowhere in the future. Use your time wisely and remember the most impotant things in life are usually given to us for "free" (family, health, your mind, etc.) don't neglect them.

Take care Fam. Just wanted to give you something to think about. I will return to you soon so as always... keep it moving. The Hustleman is out.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Little Misses

Hello Fam! Sorry I haven't been with you too much this week, I've been at maximum grind level and I have been helping out my family. Also I've been writing and trying to stay up on my rest. It's been a busy week. But Friday was lovely on the business tip (God I love Friday's)!

That pic above is little Kayla, isn't she precious? That's a current pic of her at 3 months old. She is my "sorta" god-daughter and brings my total of "sorta" god-kids to three. Two girls and one boy. Sad when you have no kids of your own right? You have to borrow other peoples.

I try to spend time with them when I can although I don't do it alone I like to have my girl around with me or at least one of the parents. I don't want anybody saying that Shai did anything to their kids, feel me?

Anyhow, I'll be back at you all for Sunday Reflection, until then take care.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tales From The Block: The Misadventure Of A Snitch Bitch

Well Fam it's yet another tale from the block for ya. Hope all of you are well. Your Hustleman is feeling good and is writing like crazy. I'm currently working on a project for a new business venture I am starting. I'll keep you posted with the details. All I have to say now is... writing is fun, but it can wear you out. It's mentally draining, I'm for real. But I still have to make time for you Fam!

Let's get on with this entry. There are eight million stories in the city, this is just one of them. This story will be short. I'm telling this tale to make a point. Lately I have been writing alot about the game itself (the 'What is The Game?' post coming very soon, I promise *smirk*), and here is a story of an individual who got the street game fucked up. He violated a most sacred rule. He snitched, meaning he told on those that did the bad deed with him to the authorities, to save his own ass. That's a big no-no in the streets. People have been killed for less.

Once you are labled as a snitch you can kiss your street pass good bye. No one wants to be around you and no one trusts you. Even your family is marked with suspicion. You're better off just moving to another side of town. Or perhaps another state altogether. I'm serious.

I have received about 3 different versions of this story so I will do my best to just stick to the basic most common elements. Near the spot where I grind (hustle) at there is a cell phone store. Now this place has been robbed no less then 3 or 4 times. Possibly more. You would think the owner would either tighten his security or just close up shop right? No such deal. He's still there. This incident I'm going to tell you about happened recently.

Picture this if you will, it's early morning say around 6 or 7am. It's still summer time so there is just enough daylight out. Traffic is light, the stores and shops in this particular plaza are closed so there is no foot traffic. The cell phone store itself sits away from the street near the back of the plaza near the corner so it's easy. Maybe too easy. No bars on the windows, no complicated locks on the door. No visible cameras inside either. So snitch bitch and his crew of 2, some say 3, decide to rob the place.

First mistake, it's daylight! Real stupid. Second mistake, snitch bitch and his crew weren't smart enough to actually plan this great heist. From the reports I received they took the idiot route and used a rock or some other heavy object to smash through the glass. Third mistake, you're already making too much noise.

Snitch bitch proceeded to make his way into the shop and tried to find anything he could grab. Wasn't too much of anything. The crew already uptight and nervous never entered the store at all and left with nothing in hand (can you blame them?). Perhaps they had a moment of clarity? Snitch bitch stayed though, he was determined to make this worth his while. Again... not well planned. I can see it all now, I know snitch bitch heard that little voice in his head saying' "Just leave." He didn't listen though and I'm not surprised about that.

Seems the owner of the store had a silent alarm and snitch bitch took so long that he was busted by the police. Just him alone, his crew was long gone. Now what did snitch bitch do? Did he stand up and say he was in this crime alone? No he didn't. He went on to give the police the names and locations of all his "boys" that were with him. They all went down.

Now before you think I'm advocating unlawful entry practices, I will have you know that I'm glad these dudes got busted. I'm a Hustler, not a thief. I don't even like people with thieving tendancies around me. The point is though that this dude had the opportunity to let his crew just be free. Perhaps they could have gotten bail money up for him, help him hire a good lawyer, look out for his family while he was away, etc. Yes they were guilty of a crime, but they didn't steal anything. Still though, they are guilty legally. And "street-wise" they are guilty by association (associating with a snitch that is). Sad part is, since snitch bitch told on them, they got the hard rap while he got off fairly easy. But the truth is, according to reports, he masterminded the whole thing.

To quote the immortal words of the Great One Ice Cube, "Nigga, nigga, nigga, can't you see? Somehow your words incarcerate me!"

That's a wrap on this one. More to you coming in the week ahead. Be good Fam and stay out of trouble LOL, I know I am.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday Reflection: Remember When...

Welcome back Fam. As always, thanks to everyone who stops by and reads The Chronicles. For my new readers I would like you to know that Sunday is my off-day. A day when I stay in the house and don't do shit. This down-time gives me a chance to reflect on things I've learned throughout the week and basically re-charge myself for the week ahead. The pic above by the way is your Hustleman at a much younger age. Handsome little dude I was LOL.

This past Friday and Saturday went fantastic. It was just New York and your Hustleman locking down the block. And as usual, we killed it. I did miss the Nelly video shoot in East Point though. I wanted to get some pics for you all, sorry about that but your hustleman is money over bullshit all the time. New York is still trying to hit his lotto number and I must admit, I'm actually starting to root for him. You want to talk about being passionate about something! $300+ a week is pretty damn dedicated don't you agree?

Also I've been catching up on my rest as much as possible, I really need it. Not only for the health benefits, but for my sanity right now. I'm feeling much better though, thanks for asking. Moving on... I'd like to switch gears this Sunday mainly because I've been in an old school mood this week. You know, bumping old school music and what not. It started to make me think about my younger days and how much society has changed. Morales and values just seem to get worse every generation. And what about the poor quality of education?

*cough* check out Bleugod Edutainment *cough* (just read Friday's post for the details). Anyhow without further delay these are the things that came to me when I relaxed my mind and took a mental trip back in time.

- You actually liked listening to the radio station
- Parents used to actually spank their kids
- Dating a thug was a bad thing
- You had to be in the house before the street light came on
- Having a child in your teenage years was not the norm
- You used to spend all your change on candy just because you could
- You couldn't talk back to your mother without consequences and reprecussions
- You had your first crush and it was hard to even be around them without feeling butterflies
- People fist fought first and pulled out the guns later
- Big Mamma kept the family together
- It was a house rule that you had to stay away from a certain family member who was either on drugs or a drunk
- The first time you had sex and thought afterwards... "Is that it?"
- You were so excited to get your first job and then after a few months you ended up not wanting to go anymore
- Ophrah weighed more and rocked all those fucked up hairstyles
- You didn't have to pay bills
- Parents were actively invovled with their children's school
- A can soda was around 25 cents
- A pay phone only cost around 25 cents
- If you wanted to talk to your friends or even see them you had to do your homework first
- You hated the fact that your mother or father was always right about everything
- You couldn't wait to get your own place. Only to then realize all the sacrifices your parents made for you
- Dancing with the opposite sex involved very little, if any, bumping and grinding. You actually stood up and made eye contact
- Having a weave in your head was looked down upon
- If you had a pager (wow, remember those?) and were black, people thought you were a drug dealer
- If you wanted to reach your friends by phone, they actually had to be at home
- Kids were alot more physically active before nintendo and sega came out
- You always had a friend around you that would make jokes about everyone but couldn't take a joke about themselves (if you didn't then this was you!)
- You had to be a certain age before you could go out on a date by yourself
- You thought you had it all figured out until reality came and slapped you
- That nerdy square boy/girl in your grade school class got fine ass hell when they got older
- It was like everyone had the hot new shoes exepct you
- You had your first kiss and didn't know what the hell to do so you just did what you saw in the movies or on tv
- Everyone knew who the "fast" girl in the neighborhood was. Boys tried to get at her and other girls hated her
- We thought regular fitting jeans on men were cool and now the pants are so big young dudes seem to not be able to keep them up on their waist
- You could actually tell how old a teenage girl was just by looking at her (now they look like women)
- Common sense was much more "common"
- To actually make an R&B album, you had to be able to sing
- You couldn't wait for your parents to take you to McDonald's (Happy Meals! And they had better toys then too!)
- Men actually raised their children
- Cartoons on saturday morning were actually good

Well I can go on and on but I'm curious to know what you remember. So feel free to leave a comment and add on to the list. Much love Family as always. More hustling game and stories coming at you in a day or two.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Greetings Family! I'm excited to announce the opening of the website! The home of Bleugod Edutainment. Edutainment means to educate while entertaining. Having the youth learn something is a big deal now-a-days and I'm pleased that someone is actually doing something about it. offers educational software for ages 6-9. The first product on the long list is about the African Slave Trade. I know, I know sounds boring right? Well kids think so too. But let me tell you about something, this software will not only teach them something worthwhile, they won't leave the computer screen. I'm serious.

I know that the god himself has put his heart and soul into the company and the product itself. I was fortunate enough to get a preview copy and the kids love it! Currently they are taking e-mail adresses for pre-orders. If you so choose, you can get $10.00 off the regular price of the software just for showing interest. If educating the youth is impotant to you, or even if you have little ones around this age bracket, you owe it to yourself to at least check out the site. It'll be worth your time. I promise *smirk*.

So that address again is Go there now, don't be shy LOL. Blessings Fam. Your Hustleman will return to you soon.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

What's Eating Away At The Hustleman?

Peace to all the Family out there. Your Hustleman is still here with you and still grinding in this thing we call "The Game". Something's been eating away at your Hustleman lately. I really can't put a finger on what it is but the results have been short patience and a need to just sleep and have some peace and quiet away from people. All of this became very evident when on Wednesday night I pretty much just blew up. I'm not really an emotional reactive type dude feel me? But all I wanted to do was get some damn sleep.

Wednesday I woke up, did my regular inventory check, decided I had enough stuff to work with for the day so I did just that, took my ass to work (yes, Hustler's call what we do work. We just don't punch a clock) It was slow at first and Big Boy was out and about. After only about an hour, he left and it was just me running solo. I was blessed with abundance.

As the time rolled by to go pick up my girl and get her off to work I realized that a headache was coming on. Probably from lack of rest from the night before. I was trying to get my business studies on that night and finish that up to a certain point. You know, make myself feel like I actually accomplished something. That didn't work. My girl was feeling a little down so we talked for a couple of hours. She eventually went to sleep and I tried to get back to my studies but I ended up just falling asleep.

Anyhow when I got home on Wednesday evening I was just like fuck it. I was tired, I had some good bar-b-que and I didn't feel like going back out to grind. My girl left and I thought to myself finally! I can get in a little study and get some rest in a quiet household. that didn't happen.

Can anyone please tell me if you call someone, and they don't answer after say... 2 or 3 back to back phone calls what you do you assume? 1) They are away from their phone, 2) They are busy or 3) They just dont feel like talking to you. Regardless of the reason, is it a sin to leave a message now-a-days? Cell phone ringing off the hook. House phone ringing off the hook. And who the hell is at my door? WTF! I purposely left all the lights in the house off. It was most likely my neighbor. I'm not coming to the door right now, sorry. I couldn't leave my house phone off (or throw it out the window), it could be an emergency call. But I personally don't get calls at the house anyway. Everyone that calls 9.9 times out of 10 is calling for my girl. If you know her so well, then you know she's at work now, can you call her on her cell phone? Hell, call her on her work phone. She's a manger she won't get in trouble, honest *smirk*. But if you must call the house becuase it's soooooo important can you please just leave a damn message!

I finally start to drift off into the glorious sleep I've wanted so badly for the last 3 hours and then the doorbell rings. Irritation. The doorbel rings again and then again. Then they start knocking. Anger. Then the phone rings! I'm irrate at this point. I answer the phone with an attitude. "Hello! Who is this?". "Hey brah, it's me." was the answer. The voice on the other end was my girls brother. I continued, "I'm trying to get some sleep man, what is it? What do you want? What's up?". A brief moment of silence. "My bad brah, if I knew you were trying to sleep I wouldn't have come by." And my response, "Hold on a second man." I get up, put on some pants and make my way downstairs in the darkness. I finally get to the door and open it. This dude is already back in his car and pulling off. Well, damn!

I make my way back upstairs and layed back down. I had to check myself. Was all that attitude really called for? Plus I know his sister, my girl, let him keep some belongings of his here at the house that he probably needed. But... she also gave him a key (without asking me by the way - that's another story). So couldn't he just have came in and announced who he was? What's the point of having a key if you don't use it? He was probably trying to be respectful and I'm all for it.

After a few minutes of calming myself down out of battle mode, I called the dude back on his cell. No answer. I called him again and left an apologetic message. I even told him that is he needed something out of the house he can come back to get it. He's a hustler too, so I know what it's like when you really need something right at that moment. If you can't get it then you feel like you're wasting time. If he's pissed at me, I understand. We shall see what happens.

Well, is it stress? Lack of proper rest and relaxation? Ahhh, who knows? I just know that when I get in these moods, it makes it hard to work. And worse it's hard to concentrate and focus. So in the meantime, I'm going to catch up on my rest and see if that helps. Much love goes out to "Mr. Wade". Sorry dude, you just have bad timing, it wasn't personal. Later Fam. And please do remember... if they don't answer the phone, it's ok to leave a message. I'll be back at ya.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Lesson, The Old Man And The Game

Greetings Family. Another fabulous week thus far. It was overcast and rainy today but you'll hear no complaints from me. I personally need a break from the heat.

I saw Mike yesterday (told you he'd be back). He was doing his thing, I was so unfocused yesterday that after awhile I just leaned back against my favorite place on the wall and silently went through everything that was running through my head. Random thoughts had to be either let go or put in the 'think about that bullshit' later file. Your mind is like a garden and sometimes you need to pick the weeds to keep the garden healthy, feel me? I've been told I think too much, I just say I think enough to stay sane.

One of the things that has been on my mind lately is not so much a situation but a person. Ever experienced that? Someone just keeps popping up in your head all of a sudden? This person is an old man that calls himself Zar. An unlikely mentor of your Hustleman.

This brother used to be a big time huslter back in his day. From doing thing in New York to down south to California. I figure at the time when I used to hang out with him he was in his early to mid 60's. He never told, I never asked. You must understand that this was a smart dude, but very eccentric and worn down by bad habits. He used to wear high water pants, bummy ass t-shirts with maker writings on them with things like 357. His socks would be pulled up to damn near calf, and when he didn't wear socks you could see an old braided string he wore around his ankle. This dude was loud, a fairly heavy drinker (which made him even louder) and he also had a bad drug habit of the crack persuasion. His woman was all crackhead, I used to hate being around her period. She'd annoy the hell out of me, but she was always respectful.

Zar was also one of the only people in my life that looked me straight in the eyes and told me, "You're going to make it Shai. You want a million, you'll get it. You know how to talk to people and you have alot of game. Just make sure you can handle all that money, it brings problems."

Now follow me on this. Looking at this dude in the present and listening to his old war stories, you would think he was full of shit. But if you could catch him sober the game he would spit would blow your mind. Zar only invited people over to his house that he liked and I was fortunate enough to be one of those people. I seen pictures of him back in his 'glory days' and he wasn't lying. He really had the money, the cars, the houses and the women. He hustled moonshine and ran numbers when he was younger. In Georgia he had dealings with what he called the Dixie Mafia. He also cleared the way for two of the biggest dope selling families in Bankhead here in Atlanta to make their rise. I'll leave those family names out on purpose. He was the classic old school hustler.

It always amazes me when I look at old school hustlers who had it and lost it. I ponder the question, how can you have all that and end up with little to nothing? It just goes to show no matter how much you know, it doesn't mean a damn thing if you don't apply it. The game itself is very cold in this regard. Either you stay within the rules or you get chewed up and spit out. A few bad decisions, bad habits and everything you worked for can be lost. Only the mentally strongest of men or women can get it all back. So here Zar was at the age of 60 plus still hustling. His goal was trying to secure a position in the real estate game and get a landscaping business off the ground. He was going good until his alcohol habit landed him in jail over a DUI. And out of jail he was in a car accident that put him in the hospital. And then again after he got his settlement money from the accident he blew that on bullshit. The result, as you can guess, is he lost everything.

The next few times I seen this man he was homeless, washing up at parks in the public restrooms. I threw him a few dollars here and there when I did see him and gave him rides. He was neither upset or down about his situation he just kept it moving. To date, I haven't seen or heard from Zar in almost a year now. I sincerely hope everything is better with him.

Another intellegent brother who just never made the transition from the street game to something bigger and 'legitimate'. He never did stop trying though. With all the game and lessons I learned from him the biggest lesson was this: Use the street game to get you to a point where you need to be to get out. Once you get out and into a better game never look back.

The god told me something that is relevant here. We as human beings grow and change and if you don't let your surrounding life reflect those changes you will suffer. If life is not running smooth and you're not happy ask yourself are you living in your old habits and conditions although you're a different person now? Failed hustlers do just that and their end results are very similar. Rest assured that your Hustleman has learned his lesson. I'm slowly evolving past the street game and I'm just looking for the door marked 'Exit'. Keep it moving family and much love to you all.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday Reflection: Supreme Clientele

Greetings Family, as always I hope your overall week was abundant with some of the better things in life. Your Hustleman just came off a good week financially and I even got to ball-out a little (and I do mean a little LOL). That pic above is a strip club called Stroker's. Apologies for the dark pic. The parking lot attendants and security wouldn't let me get any closer. If you've never been to an Atlanta black strip club you're really missing out. Fully nude table dances unlike most States. You can see everything, enough said. Saturday ran somewhat smooth. Did my morning work-out rountine and then on to the morning re-up rountine; getting products from my supplier.

It was another hot day out here and I was greeted at the spot by Jay. Jay is a part-timey Hustler who occasionally comes to the spot on the weekends. He works a regular job during the week. He was tired, I could see it in his face, but I admire his determination.

New York also came out, Hustling for lotto money as per usual. The day was a little slower than a typical Saturday, but abundant none the less. This brings me to the topic of this post. After a back and forth with Mental_Slave on the comments for my Wednesday post, I was reminded of something. A mark of an effective Huslter is his or her clientele base. If you are a true Hustler this means you are extremely customer service based. It's all about the satisfaction of your customers. It's far easier to keep a happy customer than to get a new one. And the best customers are the ones who will come spend with you every week. I have some customers that have been with me for over 3 or 4 years. And a couple for over 5.

Some of the larger "legitimate" companies claim to be about their customers but they're really not. How many of you have experienced bad customer service? It's not they don't care, it's about they don't have time to give their customers one on one attention at all times. One advantage of hustling is the personal one and one interaction with your customers. If something is wrong with a product they know exactly who they bought it from and know exactly who to talk to. It simplifies the sales process. It's like a large circle revolving around a center like the solar system revolves around the sun. The Hustler is the sun, and the customers revolve around him or her. If the Hustler is good, he can shine light on each and everyone and not leave any out. The ones he or she leaves out will recieve no light or heat and will eventually die off. A dead planet if you will. Not the customers fault, it's the Hustlers.

One main goal of a Hustler (and any business period) is the acquisition, satisfaction and retainment of customers. The more regular clients the Hustler has, the more money he or she has and therefore the more new customers he or she will acquire. Word of mouth is the best advertising, even in big business, but a Huslter relies completely on this. Bad word of mouth will destroy a Hustler's reputation long before he can grow a large clientele base. Simple. Back to Saturday...

So as New York, Jay and myself got down to the grind I pushed past them quickly. My clientele base is just larger. People would pass them up to come fuck with me. Jay, having grown up in the area, had a slight advantage because he knows alot of people. New York wasn't seeing hardly any money. I sent him customers the best I could. All the money making was disrupted by a visit from the Fulton County Police Department. Jay was with a customer at his trunk and wasn't paying attention. New York called him twice, I called him too but he didn't hear shit. For me, that was a flashback to the Mike incident. New York and I slowly brached off away from Jay. If he was going down, he'd be doing it alone. Eventually he realized he was being watched, so he closed the trunk and came to where me and New York were. WTF! No worries though. The squad car circled a couple of time and left.

Jay realizing his mistake decided it was best to leave. New York left also for a little while, I stayed in place being very low brow and cautious. I hate working like that but sometimes you have to just keep it moving. It turned out alright, even when New York returned things were lovely.

Now the plan for later that night was to go to a strip club. New York said he was down if his paper was right. I don't go to strip clubs often, but I must admit I can really relax and think in an atmosphere like that. Loud music and all. I can't explain why, I just vibe in the environment.
Also on deck was the lovely Mz. Hershey. She said she was down to go when I mentioned it in a conversation we were having. She used to be a stripper it seems so she is used to the environment also. Even part-timey Jay said he might go when we talked earlier that day.

Rest of the story short... Jay flaked on me, New York flaked on me. Some of my old hustling partners from my early days were good to go. So it was just them, me and Mz. Hershey. We had a damn good time. Some of those stripper ladies were real hustler's. You can always tell the difference. The lazy ones walk around complaining and have a low energy attached to them. They make very little money as a result. The upbeat ones, the ones with the best personalities make the most. Even if they're faking it and are not the most attracive they make more. They understand it's about a fantasy fulfillment. 'The Game' is fair is this regard, it gives everyone an equal oppotunity if you're willing to put in the work. Well that's a wrap on this post. Talk to you again soon Fam. Stay up and make each day the best. Time stops for no one. Peace.

Friday, September 08, 2006

A Day In The Life: Random Thoughts And Ramblings

Family! Hope all is as you want it, or at least on the way to what you want it to be. It's your Hustleman, back again. Let me just say for the record that I love Friday's! It's actually my favorite day of the week. This post should bring you up to speed about what's going on with me so tune in with me for a few.

I recently met one of the dude's who had a hand in the 'Crackheads Gone Wild' video. This video is burning up the streets. Some hate it, others love it. Hell, I even know a few people who make their kids watch it as an educational video. Anyway click here, check it out and if you feel so inclined, show them some love. I'm going to try to see if I can get an interview with those brothers and post it here on the blog. Can you believe that they may have a movie deal in the works? Amazing. Much love to you all and keep doing your thing. I love to hear success stories like that, it keeps me inspired. Back on point...

My day started it off with a call from the god. We have some business together and when he gets everything up and running I'll give you a link to the website. He is working furiously on some educational software. I have checked it out and I must say I'm impressed. Something like this is really needed especially for the inner city youth. Education these days is not what it used to be. So, don't complain do something to change it is the current motto.

After I got dressed I went to go see my suppliers. I rolled on to I-285 listening to Suga Free. That's my new driving soundtrack for this month (big-ups to BossMack for suggesting it). It's nice that my suppliers finally found a spot. It saves a hell of alot time instead of the call them meet them routine. Unfortunately this spot is garbage. They'll be transient again soon. Damn! Oh well, it is what it is. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

I hit their spot up, got what I needed and then headed to my location to grind out some work. Another Hotlanta day for sure. And after 30 mins there I knew what it was going to be. Slow to start, strong to finish. I just had that feeling.

New York was already there when I arrived. We exchanged pleasantries (did I spell that right?) and got on with the work. Slow motion. New York then got a call from one of his boys telling him that he just might have his old spot back. Looked like the heat over there may have died down. He was skeptical but decided to check it out anyway. He left and I ran solo.

When it's slow and I'm solo to keep myself focused I usually people watch and run my mouth to those that know me. I do this to keep from getting bored. If I get bored then I start thinking about kickin' it back at home. Home... where it's quiet and I have air conditioning. Not to mention food. Once those thoughts take over I'm usually on my way back to the house. Needless to say, I try to never get bored. I can't make money sitting at home... yet.

I answered my usual phone calls and set up appointments as necessary. Side note, one thing you will never see a shortage of in Atlanta are beautiful women. Needless to say they were out in force today. I wasn't checking much paper but at least I had some eye candy. If I was more of a flirt then I might have come up with some phone numbers just for the hell of it. But I'm money over bullshit at all times. Besides, I'd never call anyway. I'm married to my grind until my papers right. Plus sneaking around when you have a woman at home just takes you off your grind. It's drama waiting to happen and wasting time is a deadly sin. I'm a holy hustlin' motherfucker, feel me? It's all about focus.

As the crowds begin to come so did the money. I was slowly locking the block down. By the time the evening rolled back in, New York came back. He was focused on getting his daily lotto money as usual. I just laughed, this dude is really committed. I just hope he hits just so he can stop complaining about how broke he's getting. Another good Hustler hustling backwards. It's a damn shame. Side note, he has gone from spending 40 dollars a day on the lotto to 60. I just can't see it. By the time he hits, he'll just be breaking even. That's just my opinion, I may be proved wrong. A new barbeque spot had just opened up and everone was buzzing about how they were putting it down. I took a break and got me some beef ribs (I really need to cut down on my beef intake). This damn rib looked like something out of The Flintstones cartoon. No joke. This thing was huge! Well worth the money and it didn't even slow me down. As my phone continued to ring off the hook the money continued to pour in.

As the day wore on I ran into Mz. Hershey who looked damn sexy. She was rockin' her new hair style and a black dickie outfit. This is one of the only dark-skinned women I know who can rock all black and still look good. Even her lipstick was dark. We chopped up the conversation and eventually she let out that she was just plain frustrated. She just got her new place and a new job but she didn't plan well so she was going broke. She has a mixed dude she messes with that gives her money so she was setting things up with him. Must be nice to be a female in a world full of trick ass men. I told her to be careful and I hope she everything works out for her. Knowing her, she'll be alright in about 2 weeks.

Before this post gets too long let me wrap it up like this. My day was fabulous. It's a beautiful feeling to come home and know you had a successful day. I'm still buzzing off my Hustler's high. The day ran smoothly with no stress. What more can you ask for? The night is warm with a gentle breeze. I'd really love to get out and do something with the nightlife but I still have more grinding to do while here at home so I'm going to get on it.

Thanks fam for sitting through a rambling post, I just wanted to get you up to speed. Anyhow, much love and keep it moving as always. I'll be back at you soon.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Hustler's Perspective: The Almighty Dollar

Blessings and peace Fam! Sorry for such a late post but your hustleman had a very dynamic day. It all started with a call from the god. He layed some jewels (valuable knowledge) on me which gave me an interesting outlook on my day. Hell, on life in general.

I was supposed to go out of town for Labor Day but that fell through. I was disappointed but hey, shit happens no doubt. I figured today to be a slow day but it actually turned out damn good. Big Boy was at the spot and New York came through later in the evening. Things ran smoothly. Mike has since returned to the spot. I didn't see him today but I guess I missed him yesterday. Like I said, Hustler's are hard-headed. Anyway... back on point.

Hustler's are focused on making money period point blank. That's first priority. Big surprise here I know. But let me further clarify about the 3 different kinds of Hustler's. This is free game here so listen up. The first type is the lazy or part-timey Huslter. They make just enough money to get by. They are usually broke and stay broke. They should really have a gig (job) but they're too lazy to keep one. Those part-timey Hustler's that do keep a job and Hustle on the side are not Hustler's. To really be a Hustler you have to experience the game with no security. That means you get no paycheck. You only make money off of the work you put into the game. If you don't work hard and grind, you don't make money and you don't eat. Simple. Don't misread me, if you have a job and use that money to get your Hustle up and running that's well and good. But if you can't let that false sense of security go, you probably never will.

The second type of Hustler is the backwards Hustler. He or she is similar to the lazy Hustler but the difference is they actually make money. They are just foolish with it and end up spending it all. We call them backwards because instead of keeping money and growing... they spend it and stay in the same place in their financial life, or go backwards into a worse situation. Easy come, easy go I guess.

The last is the True. A real Hustler. They have made a mental transition when it comes to money. They know the hidden value of it. I have been all 3 types so trust me when I say I'm qualified to speak on this subject.

A True looks at money differently then the average person. Take a dollar bill out and look at it. What does that represent you? Buying power? Gas money? Bill money? Well you know what a True sees when he or she looks at that dollar? They see not one dollar, but a hand full of dollars. Let my break this down for you.

The hidden power behind the dollar is this. A dollar, properly used, can bring in friends. That is, more dollars. A True saves, plans and invests their money instead of carelessly spending it on bullshit. Saving money does not make you wealthy. Investing does. Now some of my more educated business readers already now this, but this is not common knowledge on the streets for sure. I once read a book (yes I do read) called 'Multiple Streams of Income' by Robert G. Allen. On a side note this is a pretty damn good book. The author used an example of a dollar as a seed. When you invest this dollar you plant it in the ground so to speak and let it grow into a tree that produces more of itself. Same concept I was taught on the streets. I was just slow to really understand it.

Here's what a True does with their money. I'm no financial planner but the shit works, bottom line. Let's say you have a gig and bring in a stack (one thousand dollars) a week. Before you do anything else with that money you put up 10 to 20 percent of it, that you don't touch, and then learn to live off the rest. Ever wonder why some Hustler's look broke? Well if they are truly not a broke or backward Hustler, they are living off less money then they make on purpose. They give themselves no choice. The Game is too be taken to the next level, not to stay stagnant. What do they do with that 10 to 20 percent? They keep growing it until they can make an investment into something else. When that new venture grows they begin to take out 10 to 20 percent of the profits of that. Now they have money from 2 sources being saved. Then they take all that money and invest in something else. And so on and so on.

The key is, make one dollar into 3. Save one dollar, re-invest the second dollar back into your business, and use the last dollar to live off of. This is very genral, but I hope it makes the idea crystal for you.

So do your Hustleman a favor. Next time you take a dollar out of your pocket (or your atm card). Think of the power of that dollar before you spend it. Later Fam, I'll be back at you soon. Until then... keep it moving.

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Hustleman: Tagged!

Peace Fam! For those of you in the United States, I hope you're enjoying your Labor Day. It seems that your Hustleman has been tagged by thegoddess. This is a Me-Me as they call them. Basically a question and answer sessions for all to see. So without further delay, here goes.

2) Name Backwards: DEEDHAHS
4) Does your name mean anything?: WITNESS
6) Screen Name(s): HUSTLEMAN_SHAI, SHAI_DA9
7) Date Of Birth: JULY, 1975 - I'M A LEO, FILL IN THE REST
8) Place of Birth: SEASIDE, OREGON
9) Nationality: NUBIAN
10) Current Location: GEORGIA
13) Height: 6'0 BUT I THINK I LOST AN INCH
14) Skin Color: REDDISH YELLOW
15) Shoe Size: DEPENDS ON THE SHOE, 10 1/2 AVERAGE
16) Hair colour: BLACK
17) Eye colour: BROWN
19) Innie or Outie?: OUTIE
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: STRAIGHT AS INDIAN HAIR
23) Best friend you trust the most: MYSELF WHEN I'M NOT PLAYING THE ENEMY
24) Best friends {your sex}: MYSELF
25) Best friends of the opposite sex: SEXY SHAY
26) Best Bud(s): MZ. HERSHEY
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: SEXY SHAY
29) Parent(s): YES I HAVE TWO OF THOSE
30) Worst Enemy: MYSELF, YES BAD ME!
31) Favourite on-line Guy(s): THEGOD, BOSSMACK TOPSOIL
32) Favourite on-line Girl(s): THE GODDESS, MENTAL_SLAVE
34) Craziest friend: AS IN PSYCHO? I AVOID THEM
35) Advice Friend: THEGOD
36) Loudest Friend: SEXY SHAY - CAN YOU SAY GHETTO?
37) Person you cry with: I HAVEN'T CRIED IN YEARS
*Do You Have...*
38) Any sisters: NOPE
39) Any brothers: 1
43) A Personal phone line: MOST DEFINENTLY
44) A Cell phone: YEA, ABOUT 3 OF THEM
45) A Lava lamp: NO, NOT EVER
46) A Pool or hot tub: IF I HAD ONE, I'D BE IN THERE RIGHT NOW
*Describe Your...*
50) Car or one you want: THAT NEW 2007 ESCALADE
55) Relationship with your parent(s): NOT MUCH, LARGELY DUE TO ME
*Do you...*
57) Believe in love at first sight?: NO, JUST LUST AT FIRST SIGHT
58) Consider yourself a good listener?: I LISTEN WAY MORE THEN I TALK
60) Get Along with your parents?: FOR THE MOST PART
61) Save your e-mail conversations?: WHO HAS CONVO'S BY EMAIL?
62) Pray?: EVERY NIGHT
63) Believe in reincarnation?: IF I COME BACK HERE I'll LET YOU KNOW
64) Like to make fun of people?: HELL YEA, SOME PEOPLE JUST ASK FOR IT
65) Like to talk on the phone?: NAH. I'M MORE OF A FACE TO FACE PERSON
68) Get motion sickness?: NOT ANYMORE
69) Eat the stems of broccoli?: ONLY IF IT'S STEAMED
71) Dream in colour?: YES
72) Type with your fingers on home row?: PEOPLE STILL DO THAT?
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal?: NO THANK YOU I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND
*What Is…*
76) On your mouse pad: DON'T USE ONE
77) Your dream car: THE NEW 2007 ESCALADE
78) Your dream date: NEED I SAY STACEY DASH AGAIN?
81) Your bedtime: LOL! BETWEEN 1AM AND 6AM
82) Under your bed: CARPET
83) The single most important question: WHERE'S THE MONEY GOING TO?
84) Your bad time of the day: WHEN I WAKE UP
86) The weather you like: 70 TO 80 WITH CLEAR SKIES AND SUNSHINE
88) The date? September 4, 2006
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: FROG LEGS - THEY HONESTLY DO TASTE LIKE CHICKEN.
91) Your Theme Song: CAN'T KNOCK THE HUSTLE - JAY-Z
92) The hardest thing about growing up: ANSWERING TO YOUR PARENTS RULES
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: I THINK I WAS 12 or 13, I SENT A VALENTINE'S DAY CARD AND ROSE TO A GIRL I HAD A CRUSH ON. SHE DIDN'T KNOW ME AND NEVER RESPONDED. I GUESS I SHOULD HAVE TALKED TO HER FIRST LOL
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): GUNSHOTS BY WHO KNOWS WHO FROM WHO KNEW WHERE
98) The best feeling in the world: MAKING MONEY AND KNOWING HOME IS TAKEN CARE OF

Well that about covers that, damn that took awhile LOL. Anyhow Fam take care until next time.
Definently more to come so stay tuned. Peace.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday Reflection: The Reinvention

Greetings again Fam. That pic above shows some young ladies getting their hustle on for one of their school sports clubs. I respect them being in the heat washing those cars. I remember when I saw this scene it made me reflect on my current state in life, in love and in business.

I can honestly say that I'm just not satisfied. Now don't get me wrong, compared with about 3 years ago I'm doing a hell of a lot better, but there's so much more I need to get done. When I pass from this rock I want to be remembered for something significant. I'm not talking about being thought of in the light of some of our great black leaders. But I do want to go knowing that I did touch some peoples lives in a positive manner.

~(WARNING! Rant coming up)~ I was talking to Mo, one of my clients, yesterday and she asked me why I don't have any kids. I told her it's not because of any lack of trying on my part *smirk*, but it just hasn't happened for me yet. So here I am, 31 years of age, no wife and no children. Although there is a female out there who claims she has my seed (child). Since the babyboy in question is now about 3 years old and she won't let me see him, let alone take a blood test, I don't claim him (but that's another post *smirk*).

Anyone who is around me for any peoriod of time, knows that I hate to waste time. But I recently had to check myself on that. I don't like to waste time, but the time I do use is put in the wrong areas. So in effect, I'm still wasting time. And ain't that a bitch.

As the year draws to a close I realize it's past due time to reinvent myself. Don't misread your Hustleman, I'm far from lazy. I have no overly bad habits other than smoking cigarettes. I'm not a slob and I'm definently no bum type dude, feel me? But to assist in the undertaking I am on is going to require some serious discipline in a few areas. One area is my health. I mean who wants to be wealthy and not healthy enough to enjoy it? So I have started an exercise plan. Another area is putting time into the most important areas first. I guess you can call this prioritizing. Normally, if it doesn't have to deal with money, my priorities are pretty screwed. Like I mentioned before, time into the wrong things. And yet another area that I'm working on is balance. I have very little balance in my life right now. And somehow this makes me feel incomplete. I put passion into everything I do, but passion is always best when you put it into things that mean something and are worthwhile.

So the underlying truth in all this shit is simply more discipline. I hate that word, it makes it seem like alot of work. But it's unavoidable like Atlanta rush hour traffic. I'm just fed up Fam. Things are moving, but they are moving slow. I get one thing together and something else falls apart. Have you ever been through that? Isn't that shit frustrating? Well to change what's around you, you first have to change what's inside of you. So better thinking, better habits, and more commitment from me is the new order of the day.

Anyhow, those are my reflections for the week. I appreciate all those who sat through that. I don't go off on a rant often but I had to get that off my chest, fell me? Ahhhhh! Much better!

Later Fam thanks for checking your huslteman out. And most definently enjoy your labor day, well those of you who don't have to work that is. But hell, enjoy it anyway. Big ups to Bleugod, the goddess, Sexy Shay, Hershey, New York and the A-God.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Exhaustion And The Grind

Greetings again Fam. It's your Hustleman broadcasting from the ATL. I'm going to try to keep this post short (key word = try). I enjoying sharing the stories and the thought process behind hustling but I think it's time to share some of the hidden rules and regulations of "The Game" also. I'll post some of the rules in a future post, I promise. What I would like to speak on now concerns part of the mentality a hustler needs to have to be successful.

I once read a magazine interview that featured Jay-Z. If you don't know who Jay-Z is then please stop reading my blog immediatley! I'm just playing *smirk*. Jay-Z was a hustler, the drug dealer type, who made himself into a successful rapper and then on to just an all around entreprenuer. This article was fascinating, but the thing that stuck out the most was a small tidbit about what someone taught him about "The Grind". The quote went something like this, "Work now, rest when you're dead." And that about sums up the grind of hustling.

So what exactly is "The Grind" you ask? Well allow me to elaborate a little. A Hustler is tied to 3 main things:
1) The Goal - This can be anything that the Hustler is trying to accomplish. It of course usually requires large sums of money.
2) The Game - There are many "games out there", from the music game, to the drug game, to the mack game, to the sports game, etc. "The Game" is an established invisible entity that has it's own rules and regulations. Anyone trying to be successful in a particular arena must follow it's rules and regulations or they will eventually be wiped out by the game itself. Quick example, if you were a singer, you would enter the music industry. This industry is a game. Play by the rules until you can make your own rules. Think R. Kelly or Madonna here. Those that do well by the game, usually are the ones who add to the game and elevate it to another level. Think Oprah in the talk show game here. I can write a whole post about this but I hope you see my point.
3) The Grind - "The Grind" is the actual work that goes into The Game to get out of it what you're trying to get. And what you're trying to get out of The Game is your goal. Simple.

So when you hear a hustler talk about they are on their grind, you know that they are working to achieve their goal. "Work now, rest when you're dead." One reason why the word grind is used instead of the word work is really a mental thing. Work brings the image up into most peoples minds as a 9 to 5 gig (job). You do your 8 hours then go home. And if you're not a manager or an owner that's all you want to do. Not for a Hustler. A Huslter doesn't work, we grind. We make it a point to put in as much time, sweat and enegry as necessary everyday we go out. If that means 4 hours, cool. If that means 10 hours cool. If it means you have to Hustle in the dead of night at 3am, cool. They are no hourly restrictions when it come to the almighty grind. The Game itself doesn't stop, the best you can do is to just play as hard as you can.

What always reminds me of the grind and how harsh it is on you physically and mentally is exhaustion. Take yesterday for example. I had no damn clue as to how tired I really was. I went out to the block with a migrain beating in the front of my head. That didn't stop me. I was draggin'. I was walking slow, I was talking slow. That didn't stop me. I knew I was tired but I have goals to reach damnit! It finally came to point where I had to make myself go home early because my migrain was too much to ignore, feel me? I grabbed something to eat then got online to do my standard checks on things. I just couldn't take it anymore. I made myself lay down. And that's all I remember. My cell phone kept going off and I was just too exhausted to get to it. I don't even remember moving, my eyes just opened. After about 5-6 hours I finally woke up, still tired, but I had things to do around the house that I was supposed to do earlier. I think I need to hire a maid and an assistant for real LOL.

Anyway Fam thanks for reading these words as always. Be well and stay focused. I'll be back at you soon. I'm out. Peace!