What Is The Game? (in part)

As a make way into my next business venture I've had alot of time to really think about this thing called "The Game". I've been mentioning it alot here on The Chronicles so I figured it was time to once and for all make this plain and crystal for all of you who may have wondered. Now to fully explain The Game would take up more room then we have here, or at least be broken up into a 3 parter so I decided to condense it and hopefully still get the meaning across. If you're ready, here it goes.
Coming to you as promised! The break down of the very nature of this thing we call "The Game". So, The Game, what is it really? Everyone mentions it, and throws it into their vocabulary to try to sound deep and most don't even understand what the hell they're talking about. Let me first say this. The game is like an unseen entity, it is always around but only a few know it's there, you got me? In order for me to explain The Game you have to first know what it's not. It's a process called negation, stay with me here.
0) The game is not checkers, it's chess. You have to play always thinking 2 or 3 moves ahead.
1) The Game is not just a term. It's as real as death and taxes.
2) The Game cannot be completely controlled but can be regulated or used against someone who doesn't know the rules.
3) The Game does not exist because you say so, it existed before you and I and will continue to exist after we are long and gone
4) The Game does not cheat anyone. It's very essence is completely fair but people can cheat those in The Game especially if those people have no knowledge of it
5) The Game shows no judgement although not playing quite by the rules will catch up to you in a bad way
6) The Game never stops. It operates whether you know about it or not; whether you play it or not; Whether you ignore it or not
7) The Game is not a singular it's a plural. Everything has a game attached to it. And every game has it's own set of rules, regulations and laws. Beneath those rules are the rules created by men and women inside The Game
8) The Game is not to be given for free. It has price-tag attached. Whether you pay for it with actual money, through experience or through time and energy you will end up paying for it one way or another
9) The Game cannot be played if you just watch. If you just watch, The game will play you.
Now since that's out the way let me break this down for you....
Before I begin hustling in the "street" game I was your average employee. I went to work, I did my job and I went home. And I complained about the whole process. Even on my off days I complained about having to go back to work. At one of my last jobs I was a security officer. I used to work graveyard shift in a high rise building here in downtown Atlanta. The only really good thing about this job was the fact that there was a room off in the back of lobby where you could go sleep. And I did, every night.
Now, my immediate boss AKA the account manager was on some double agent shit. He worked for the same company I worked for, but spent his spare time trying to get my company to lose it's contract so he could bring in, and run, another security company. Obviously his motivation was more power and more money. He didn't give a damn that a few of the security staff, myself included, would be out of a job. Fucked up you say? Not really. He played The Game tight. He used my employer's time and the money they paid him to set up his new company to get the security contract. Lose the Honda and get a Lexus in it's place, feel me?
It was all in The Game and that's where I charged it. I charged it to The Game. The owners of that high rise wanted the best security they could afford, and the double agent account manager was able to deliver. What's fuckin' with that? The only people that truly lost were the employees that were out of a job. But we were just that, employee's. You can't call shots in the "Employer and Employee" Game unless you have the power to do it. Low level employees don't have that power and that's my point. Simple.
The Game rewards those that play and know the rules. Not those on the side-lines or those that don't know about The Game. If you want to advance and prosper in anything, you have to overstand it (over, not under), inside and out, up and down, back and forth you follow me? You have to know it's rules and you have to put yourself in the position where you can play. And I do mean play, not just watch. This is real game I'm giving you here. You want to move up in your career? Stop watching, learn the rules and play. Want to be an entrepreneur? Learn the rules of your particular game and start playing. When you do this, you immediately become more powerful. Why? Because you know what the hell is going on now.
So, how does a person learn the rules of The Game they're in? Well, you have to pay LOL. Money, energy, time or even trial and error. But the best way is to find a mentor. Someone that's already seasoned in The Game who can teach you the rules. Of course you still have to put in the time and work, but you get my point. "The Game is to be sold, not told." This is the nature of The Game and it cannot be avoided.
Well Fam I could write on this topic for awhile but I'll stop here. As always thanks for taking your precious time with me here and I hope I made it worth your while. Much love Fam and as always... keep it moving.